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Past YL Newsletters

Thieves oil testimonials Have a read of what this powerhouse can do!

Star Anise

Dear community
It was mindblowing reading all of your personal testimonials on THIEVES OIL from last month in the closed Star Anise Essentials FB page – WOW! What a POWERHOUSE of an oil!
I have bottles of Thieves oil all around the house:

  • One on the oil's shelf for easy access

  • One in my sock drawer with a roller fitment to roll under my feet before I put shoes and socks on

  • One in my bathroom next to a bowl of coconut oil for oil pulling (add one drop into a tablespoon of coconut oil for extra antimicrobial boost)

  • One next to the diffuser in winter

  • One in the kitchen to add to water if I’m feeling unwell or to add to hot chocolates or in smoothies

  • One on my bedside table to diffuse in my bedroom diffuser if feeling sniffly and to apply under my feet before bed.

This is what members of our community had to say about the almighty THEIVES oil….

Bottom line: make sure you ALWAYS have THIEVES oil on hand!
Love Soulla