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Past YL Newsletters

My heart cracked open at the YL Academy

Star Anise

Dear community,

When Gary Young set out to build a farm in Ecuador a couple of decades ago, he was shocked to discover that a run-down down dilapidated tiny building nearby with cracked walls was a school.

Feeling a deep desire to help, he built a school called the YL Academy so that the impoverished local children have the opportunity to have a quality education, get nutritious meals twice a day, learn languages and musical instruments, learn farming and business skills, and learn to be critical thinkers so as to be the future leaders of Ecuador.

The school has its own farm with animals (chickens, goats, and cows that provide meat, eggs, and raw milk!) and an assortment of plants for their balanced meals.

From what I observed, these students eat more wholefoods and less ultra-processed junk than most Western kids and consequently look happier and healthier with broad faces, wide dental arches, and smiles from ear to ear. Weston A Price would be proud!

The YL Academy is the only school in Ecuador that doesn’t push vaccines, and instead uses and teaches their students, parents, and staff to use YL oils instead of pharmaceuticals for day-to-day issues.

The students and teachers absolutely love the school and feel a deep sense of gratitude and privilege to be there.

YL Academy now has an international baccalaureate program and employs many people in the local community. Their sponsor program helps the students afford this quality education. Anyone can sponsor a child through the YL Foundation website which is what I did and 100% of the funds go to the Foundation. Admin fees are paid by YL.

Will and I had the opportunity to meet and spend the morning with our 15 year old sponsor child Ezequiel and his family. It was heartwarming watching my son Will connect with Ezequiel and his brothers, play soccer together, and learn about each other’s lives.

His parents were so deeply grateful for the support that we are providing. When we said goodbye his mother hugged me so hard, and I cried hard. We left with our hearts cracked open.

It’s a small thing for us but makes a massive difference to the lives of one boy and his family.