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Happy 2022!

Past YL Newsletters

Happy 2022!

Becca Crawford


Dear YL family,

Well, January 2022 most certainly packed a punch. It’s been a series of spectacular highs and even greater lows for me.  

After recovering from 10 days of Covid at the start of January (actually it’s a blessed relief to have lifelong immunity now!), it was so wonderful to bring our Sydney community together at the gorgeous New Years party at my home last Friday 28 Jan and be in the physical presence of each other - finally!

A couple of hours after the end of the New Year's party, we received the shocking news that the father of my two teens had died in a tragic accident. We are still processing it all and I am devastated for my children’s loss. I suspect that the grieving process will take some time but they are wrapped in so much love, and the support from community and friends has been overwhelming. I have been using Rose oil and Sacred Frankincense daily and have rose quartz near me at all times. I am being gentle with myself and prioritising self-care including eating nutrient-dense food, drinking lots of water, getting into the ocean, and sleeping and delegating as much as I can. All of these things make me feel supported. When going  through painful patches in life, the most important thing is to support yourself in all of the ways - from our oils, to healthy lifestyle choices, to blanketing yourself with loved ones.  

I know it’s been a really tough year or two for so many people on the planet and my main priority is to ensure that everyone in my community feels EMPOWERED and SUPPORTED by: 

  • The YL oils and nutritional products.

  • Your support person and our broader community. 

  • By our incredible member resources, closed FB group and monthly educational oils group.

When we feel empowered and supported we feel that we can weather storm. It's like having a life vest and flippers in choppy seas. Sure it feel uncomfortable, but we know we will be OK.  

When we feel empowered and supported we are in a better position to help others. We can help them in turn feel empowered and supported.  

The number of people who have come to me saying, “I don’t know how I would have survived the past two years had it not been for this community.” That’s exactly how I feel right now with what I am going through – thank goodness for this community to support me.  

If people come to you feeling fearful or disempowered, how wonderful to be able to provide a solution to them.  

You can invite them into our vibrant community, tell them about the oils and our treasure trove of resources.  

You can even email them this card or this one to start the conversation and see if they feel pulled.  

Just remember that when you connect someone on the YL website to use your member number as your friend’s enroller and sponsor so that they fall within our community and let me know so we can send them the welcome email and I’ll gift you a perfume roller as a gift.  

I was touched to have received a Xmas card by Mary Young and in her card she says “with challenges we grow and become stronger”. 

Indeed, had it not been for the challenges of the past two years, our YL community would not be as strong and sticky as it is.  

Had it not been the challenges of the past two years, I would not have formed or solidified so many strong friendships. 

Had it not been for covid travel restrictions, I would not have met my beautiful David.  

So you see, there’s always the silver lining! Crisis creates opportunity and creativity! 

We’ve seen the YL oils and products taking on more and more importance each year with unprecedented growth year on year. More and more people are turning to and demanding safer and more natural options for their family. Whether it’s to use oils as medicine or to go low tox and healthy swap to YL’s comprehensive range of personal care products and cleaning products, or to use the oils and nutritionals to detox our system, boost our immune system, calm our nervous system, or for sleep and digestive support. This is not to say that there is no role for pharmaceuticals but I do think that our current medical system is so broken when doctors are trained to prescribe them as a crutch for poor lifestyle choices and then prescribe more and more pharmaceuticals to counter the side effects of the previous ones. I like to envisage a time in the future when we revert back to the wisdom of our ancestors and align ourselves more with mother nature and use potent plant medicine which we did for millennia as our first port of call. 

We’ve also had a massive influx of people over the past two years taking advantage of the YL biz opportunity after having made a decision that corporate world wasn’t for them after all, or they wanted to build something magical for themselves from home by being their own boss and sharing products that they genuinely use and love. This option is available to each of you - whether you just want to earn enough commissions to cover the cost of your monthly orders or whether you dare to dream big and aspire for complete financial freedom - just come and have a chat to me or your support person. Dip your toe in by doing the free 10-day mentorship program which starts on the 1st of every month.    

When I started YL oils in 2016 I felt a strong energetic pull to continue using these oils after my first bottle of Thieves ran out in a way that I never felt with any other oils brand (and I had been dabbling in oils for 20 years!). After I thoroughly researched YL, I realised that the quality of the oil in their bottles is unquantifiable. Sure we can quantify that all of the chemical constituents in the plant (the naturally occurring compounds) are present in the oil at their highest levels. Sure we can quantify that the plants and the soil are organic and free of synthetic fertilisers. Sure we can quantify that YL do more tests than any other oils company right down to the parts per million. 

But what we can’t quantify is the intention and love that Gary Young put into creating YL – to heal himself – and the intention and love behind each of the products – which were all created for a specific purpose and not simply for a profit.  

What we can’t quantify is that the workers in the field get up at all hours of the night to harvest the plants at their peak harvest time. 

What we can’t quantify is the deep relationships that Gary  formed with each of the farmers of YL’s partner farms to ensure that they are looked after and that their livelihoods are secure. 

What we can’t quantify is the soul touching work of the YL Foundation which YL corporate pays all the administration fees.  

All that positive energy, love and intention is translated into the products. While we can’t measure and quantify it, it’s there in the form of high vibrational frequency which permeates into you when you use the products.  

There’s certainly an altruistic aspect to this company and this is what makes YL unique.  I feel so honoured and proud to be aligned with them.   

Thank you for being a part of this community. 

Thank you for trusting me and my wonderful YL biz leaders who work so tirelessly to support everyone within their individual teams. 

Thank you for trusting YL and buying their products month on month (and if you’re not yet part of the free loyalty program you’re missing out on earning HUGE reward points – much like frequent flyer points - which you can redeem for free products. So get onto that and let me know if you do so I can send you a free gift! Watch this video to jump onto it today).  

So we have a new year bringing new opportunities and yes, new challenges (already!), but I feel strong, supported and empowered because I am part of this collective.  

Here’s to a new year of health, abundance and connection.  

Love Soulla xx