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My parting message for 2021 to my YL community

Past YL Newsletters

My parting message for 2021 to my YL community

Becca Crawford


Dear YL family,

New Year’s Party 

Firstly, let me say how regretful it was that we had to postpone our annual Xmas party due to the C19 mandates. Now that the mandates are lifted (hooray!) we have decided to rebrand our Xmas party as a “New Year’s party” and hold it on Friday 28th Jan 7pm at my home at 23 Kent St, Waverley – so please save the date!!! 

Crisis creates opportunity  

To say it’s been another intense year is a spectacular understatement. Thank goodness for this soul-nourishing community and the YL products to keep us emotionally, physically and spiritually strong, resilient and grounded. Honestly, I don’t know where I would be without this community. Every day I am just so grateful and humbled to be part of the broader YL community and to be part of this Star Anise Essentials community that we have co-created.  

Every crisis creates opportunity and what I have observed over the past two years is that not only has our community strengthened and friendships blossomed more rapidly as a result of global events, but more and more people globally are turning to more natural/safer products to support and enhance their health. As much as mankind spends so much time, energy and resources trying to create a drug for this or a magic pill for that – we know that the greatest tools we have to heal, defend and protect, and to maintain vibrant health, already exist in nature – in the nutrient-dense whole foods we eat, in potent plant medicine found in the natural world, and in the sunshine that touches our skin.  

As a result, the demand for YL products continued to soar globally this year on the back of 2020 as a testament to the quality and, I would go so far as to say, the necessity of the oils, nutritional supplements and related products. I say “necessity” because YL oils and related products - like Ningxia Red, Inner Defense and Mineral Essence - are not just a luxury or ‘nice to have’. They have become a necessity for me – core staple products in my home – as fundamental as bone broth and sauerkraut and filtered water are. Once you start using YL products and appreciate the unparalleled quality, it’s pretty hard to stop using them. Much like bone broth, filtered water and fermented foods, the YL products are now firmly established in the fabric of my DNA.  

YL continues to impress me more and more each year as a company that I am so proud to be aligned with. Honestly, YL has the biggest heart of any company I have come across. Their generosity of spirit goes above and beyond. In terms of integrity, ethics, sustainable farming practices, quality and purity of their oils and oil-infused products - nothing comes even remotely close.  

How do we inspire more people to join us on this path of make more nourishing and conscious choices and reducing the toxicity in their lives? 

We can’t do it by forcing people to change because that just builds resistance and polarity. We do it by cleaning up our own homes first and foremost and by being more conscious of the products that we bring into our home. The products that you bring into your home send a powerful message to your children, those who visit your home and to the universe that you support the company that makes it and you want to see more of that in the world. We do it by being the change we want to see in the world! And when we do that, we raise our vibration up a notch and those around you that you come into contact with can’t help but to notice it. They can’t help but to notice the shift in you- they will sense it, see it and boy will they smell it! And they will see that all your products in your home are YL versions and they will see you’ve got diffusers and oils everywhere and that you’re vibrantly healthy and they will ask you about. And that’s when you can open the door and have an authentic conversation with them. Feel free to use or email this card or this one to assist you in that conversation. Every time we share YL products with others we are changing lives, one household at a time, through one healthy swap at a time.  

The greatest gift that you can gift to someone who is ready and open is the gift of inspiring and empowering them to step into a healthier and more conscious version of themselves. 

Thank YOU! 

I want to thank and honour each of you for your support, for being part of this vibrant community, for choosing YL and for buying their products month after month and investing your health, your childrens’ health and the planet’s health. 

I want to thank and honour each of my business leaders for working tirelessly to support each of our members, through phone calls, emails and texts, though educating in social media posts, in workshops and monthly oils groups, and all the little and big things that they do every single day to help ensure that this community remains strong, supported and dynamic.  

Monthly oils group – Feb 2022 

We will kick off our monthly educational oils group in Feb 2022 via Zoom (the first Thursday of every month starting in Feb). Details in the Member Resources page of my website (email me if you don’t know the password). This is where we dive deep into a particular health/wellness topic. The topics have been set (there are some juicy ones in there!) and are listed on the Member Resources page. Check them out! All past workshops were recorded (find them in the Member Resources page) so perhaps you might like to take the opportunity to watch/listen to the ones you missed over summer.  

Monthly oils 101 workshops – Feb 2022 

I will also recommence the monthly healthy homes/healthy swaps/oils 101 in Feb 2022 for all brand new members or friends of yours who are not yet members. Dates to be set soon! Each workshop will be held both in person (boy, we sure are looking forward to in-person gatherings!) and also via Zoom for those who don’t live in Sydney or can’t make it in person.  

10-day biz mentorship 

If you are looking for a change in careers - something that more aligns with your soul purpose that can provide complete financial sovereignty or even a side income that can cover the cost of your YL products - the YL biz opportunity is one that you might like to explore. Join me and my ever-growing team of girl bosses as we make an income by making impact at the grassroots level by doing what we LOVE, from the comfort of our home, at our own pace, on our own terms and mandates, with our kids around us and with the support of our tribe and resources so we never need to reinvent the wheel. If you’d like to dip your toe in to see for this is for you (with no-strings attached), the next 10-day biz mentorship starts 1 Feb. Click here to join the Mighty Networks platform then click ‘Group’ on left hand side and choose Feb biz mentorship. You can sign yourself up to that group but make sure that your mentor (support person) joins with you so that you can work through the mentorship together. If you don’t know who your mentor/support person is, just reach out to me and I’ll get you sorted. Every day I wake up feeling so grateful for my monthly YL income that blesses by household and means that I can live the life of my dreams and feel financially empowered. I want this for all people on the planet as abundance is our birthright.  

My parting message… 

My parting message to you is to continue to be the light. Continue to hold the candle steadfastly and with quiet confidence and grace, and allow it to shine so brightly that others are magnetically pulled towards it and will want to lean in and light their candle with yours. And in this way we create a ripple effect and can be the force of change that this world so radically needs.  

Wishing you all a beautiful love-filled Xmas and holiday season. Strive to be happy and radiate love to all and everyone.  

Soulla xx