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The Online Larder

Organic Beef Broth and Liver Cubes

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Organic Beef Broth and Liver Cubes


Certified organic chicken livers are cooked and blended with our signature beef broth (in a 1.5 to 1 ratio of livers to broth) and frozen into ice-cube sized portions for you to conveniently (and sneakily!) pop into smoothies, sauces and meals for extra nourishment. Livers from pastured animals are the most nutrient-dense food on the planet and were prized by traditional societies the world over as a powerful superfood.

For more organ meat inspiration head to our online organ meat workshop.

Sold in a 500g bag.

Serve: Add frozen cubes to smoothies, sauces and meals for a nourishing boost. If thawed in fridge, use within 3 days.

Store: Store under -18°C. Consume by best before date.

Ingredients: cooked chicken livers*, beef broth* (filtered water, 100% grass fed beef bones*, pink lake salt). *Certified organic.

Shipping: Only to Greater Sydney (map here).

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what our customers say -

My goodness your beef and liver cubes are incredible! Thank you for existing and making magic to help people like me!
— Sally