Contact Star Anise Organic Wholefoods

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This blog started as a way for me to share my recipes + culinary adventures, tips for vibrant health + happiness, thoughts on the latest developments in nutritional medicine + the low down on the Sydney wholefoods scene and beyond...

We are Hiring!!!

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We are seeking 1 more kitchen hand to join our ever expanding and growing team at Broth Bar & Larder in Bronte.

Shifts are:
Monday 11am - 2pm
Tuesday to Friday 1pm - 6pm

The work involves helping to produce our beautiful organic artisan wholefood products from meal of the day, activated nuts, raw treats, chicken liver pate, frozen cubes etc.

We are after someone who:
💫 works super fast/efficiently and preferably has experience in a commercial kitchen or cafe (efficiency is key!!)
💫 is on the same nutritional page (traditional wholefoods) and has no issues handling animal products (all 100% pastured / organic of course)
💫 takes initiative (especially with washing up!)
💫 is clean/ hygienic
💫 is tidy/organised
💫 follows procedures/ instructions/ lists carefully
💫 has a sense of humour and can work under tight time frames.
💫 can commit to working for at least 1-2 years
💫 reliable / punctual
💫 non smoker
💫 has no issues working in small teams in a small space

Employment falls under the Food and Beverage Award paid at casual rates.

If you think you fit the bill, or know someone who does, email manager Robyn at