Are you ready to kick the chemicals in your home and be more independent in your health care?
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Nourishing your body with a nutrient dense diet and other lifestyle factors (like sleep, sunshine and movement) is only one side of the health coin. The other side is kicking the toxins and these include not just dietary toxins (refined sugar, refined starches and industrial seed oils) but also environmental toxins. Did you know that our greatest exposure to environmental toxins is in our home?!? And this is where we are spending the vast majority of our time.
Where exactly are these toxins found in our home? In many of the products that we are using each and every day! Conventional personal care products and household cleaning products contain a slew of endocrine disrupting, allergenic, carcinogenic and/or neurotoxic ingredients including PEGs, foaming agents, synthetic fragrances, colours phthalates and aluminium.
Simply because these products are allowed to be sold and are ubiquitously used DOES NOT MAKE THEM SAFE! AND sadly we are paying with our health!
Fortunately there do exist NATURAL ALTERNATIVES that are safe (non toxic), super powerful and cost effective. And the good news is that they are available online, get delivered to your door, and are available all over the world. These products are made by Young Living - the undisputed world leaders in the essential oils movement with 25 years of industry leadership.
YL make the world’s largest range of the most pure and potent oils which quickly become your first port of call wellness cabinet for day to day issues. This is so empowering as a mum.
Secondly, they also make the world’s most comprehensive range of personal care products and cleaning products including a range for babies, kids, men, pets and a supplements range. As a one stop shop, you can conveniently streamline your purchasing to just 👏🏻one 👏🏻place 👏🏻. Yay! Finally! A game changer for me, my health coaching clients and time poor busy mums who really don’t have time to race around to all different shops and websites.
If you’re keen to learn more about how to start or deepen your wellness journey, kick the chemicals in your home, and become more independent in your health care in order to be pharmacy-free and chemical-free as mature intended, and to be able to do it AT YOUR OWN PACE - here are some options for you:
If you want to have a phone chat- Complete the contact form on this page of my website and either myself or someone in my team will contact you to have a free honest chat to you over the phone to understand your needs and get you started.
If you want to attend my next free live zoom webinar on 23 June 10am- 12pm where you can ask questions in real time– book here.
If you want to watch a free 50 minute pre-recorded workshop at your convenience whenever it suits you- Complete the contact form on this page of my website and someone in my team will contact you within 24 hours to give you the password to the workshop.
It’s super important that you don’t sign yourself up on the YL website as you’ll be put in some random team and you won’t get the benefit of all of MY team’s comprehensive online member resources and personalised support.
I’m deeply honoured to be able to educate, inspire and empower you to lead a more conscious and nourishing, and let’s toxic, life! Together, through our conscious choices, we can shape the world we want to leave for the next generation.