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Soulla x 


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Past YL Newsletters

FB Group YL

Star Anise

Did you know that one of the perks of being a member of our Star Anise Essentials community is access to our closed Star Anise Essentials FB group?! Here you will find some juicy announcements pinned to the top of that page (including detox protocols - shhh!!) with a bunch of little bite sized videos if you’re starting out on your journey.

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Look at our incredible member resources created for YOU!!!!

Star Anise

Dear YL community


Here’s a 5 minute video giving you a broad overview of our incredible resources to remind you of all juicy, informative, no BS health and wellness information we’ve created for you at your fingertips:

Head to the Member Resources page of my website where everything is laid out in once place. This page is password protected so if you don’t know the password please contact your wellness mentor or email me.


This huge wealth of information has been built up over the years and is constantly being added to as we amas more learnings and intellectual property month after month. Sure you can ask me or your oily mentor for the answers to all your low tox and wellness questions but what is far more empowering is for YOU to feel that YOU know where to quickly find the answers yourself.


As the age-old proverb goes, you can give a man a fish but what is more empowering is giving him a fishing rod and teaching him to fish.


Knowledge is indeed empowering. Knowing where to find the answers yourself at any hour of the day or night is a game-changer. When we feel empowered with knowledge, we feel as though we have choice. And choice brings us the opportunity to radically uplevel the health and happiness and people and planet.


Love Soulla xx


PS join YL’s monthly loyalty program this month and be gifted the YL mint face scrub from me as my thank you gift for getting really seriously about swapping out the chemicals month after month. Click here to jump on the free program and earn massive reward points that you can redeem for free products and save money.


PPS connect a friend to YL this month and be gifted a set of YL floral waters from me  as my gift for helping to spread this important low tox message and helping to make an impact on humanity.


PPPS spend 250+PV this month and go into the drawer to win a specially curated travel pack from me to you as a thank you to your commitment to going low tox with YL and our community. Head to the Star Anise Essentials closed FB page to see what the pack includes but it’s a VERY generous and full of lots of travel-packed goodies!!!

Using Young Living essential oils on animals

Star Anise

We are often asked if it is safe to use and diffuse essential oils on and around pets. Many people are very sceptical and concerned about using oils on or near pets. When it comes to oils we know that not all oils are created equal and Gary Young’s love for animals and his use of the YL oils on them means that we can take great comfort in knowing that the YL oils are, generally speaking, safe for your pets and can be used to treat them therapeutically.

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My friend wants some YL products...what's next?

Star Anise

Helping your friends onto a less toxic, more nourishing, path is one of the best gifts you can give to them.. To set up your friend with their own YL wholesale account, simply follow these steps and be sure to send them a welcome email using this template (please change the template to suit the situation as you see fit) so that they are properly onboarded with access to all of our juicy resources.

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Don't throw out your empty oil bottles until you read this!

Star Anise

Dear community,

When you think your bottles have run out there is actually still a LOT of precious oil left in there that you can actually use before they get tossed into recycling. Here are some uses you can put your empty bottles to depending on the oil in question:

1. Pop them in the bath

When oils that lend themselves to being used in the bath run out (eg lavender, Stress Away, helichrysum, frankincense, Peace & Calming, lavender etc) I pop them into the bath when I next have one.

2. Submerge them in diffuser water

For any oils that can be diffused, I submerge the entire bottle in the diffuser with water. Rest assured all of the lush essential oil coating the sides of the bottle run into the diffuser water and will fortify the air in your room.

3. Pop them into a glass or jug of cold or hot water

Oils that lend themselves to this are the food grade/culinary oils. See complete list of such oils in the Culinary section of this guide. My favourites are all of the citrus ones, franky, Thieves, and copaiba.

I tend to repeat this process over and over again until I can not taste the oil at all in the water.

4. Pop them into your laundry soaking bucket

Oils that I don’t really want to soak in a bath with and that are not food grade fall into this category. Examples include Purification, Northern Lights Black Spruce, R.C., Kunzea. These cleanse your clothes while they soak and add a lovely scent to them.

For more tips and tricks on all things oils and YL please check out the Oils 101 guide in the Member Resources page.

Love Soulla xxx

I had no idea about this when I started YL

Star Anise

Hi lovelies,

We have had a massive influx of new members recently so for all the newbies ‘Welcome and Hi Ya!’ And thank you for being on this epic low tox journey with me!  

Using these therapeutic grade oils as medicine, and healthy swapping all my personal care products and cleaning products to YL versions has been, well, game changing for me as a mama.  

I started my low-tox journey in my mid 20s (over 20 years ago…yikes!!) but I was one of those crazy women who would be buying all my different beauty and cleaning products from a million different places racing around like a headless chook and spending on fortune on shipping fees and parking tickets. When I gave up using pharmaceuticals I was the woman forever trying to get an appointment to see my naturopath and feeling frustrated that I didn’t have a solution to my kid’s [insert name of various ailment] at 2am.  

Then a bottle of Thieves landed in my lap in 2016 after a horrific mould incident in my home. I got full body goosebumps when I opened it, and the energetic attraction was instant. I just knew these oils were somehow different to anything else I had used before. Instant therapeutic traction (which I now know is because these are the ONLY oils on the planet that are harvested at their peak harvest time, grown in pristine environments, and are unfractionated) meant that these oils were my new medicine cabinet, IN MY OWN HOME, without having to hand over power to an external provider and I could reach for them AT ANY HOUR OF THE DAY OR NIGHT. Happy days!! Talk about empowering!! Plus the comprehensive range of toxic-free personal care products and cleaning products (plus sunscreen, make up and insect repellent) meant that I (and my health coaching clients) FINALLY had a one-stop online shop solution. Yay and yay! Talk about two big gaps being plugged in one fell swoop. 

When I find something that I genuinely use and love (whether it's bone broth, sauerkraut, chicken livers or a sexy pair of well-fitting jeans) I do what any good Greek and female does: I tell people  about it. ALL THE TIME. I just love sharing what I know. And I love sharing what works. And I share in a way that feels truly authentic and “unsalesy” to me. I share from my heart. And I figure that if something helps me, it’s bound to help another fellow mama or two. So I started talking about and sharing the YL products with others, and connecting others to YL via their website. In addition to promulgating the life-changing virtues of a nutrient-dense traditional wholefoods diet, I was so happy I now had even more solutions for someone’s sleep issue, digestive issues, osteo skeletal issues, skin issues, hormone issues, immunity issues, anxiety, depression, concentration issues and the list goes on and oil because as the saying goes, “there’s an oil for that!” 

What I didn’t know (and wasn’t seeking out) was that every time you connect someone with YL (simply by talking to them about how awesome the products are and creating a wholesale account for them on the YL website with your member number as their enroller and sponsor), YL provides you with very generous thank you commission.  

And it gets better.  

Each time your friend orders some YL products (in your sleep) you also get another commission.  

And it gets better.  

Each time your friend connects someone, who connects someone, who connects someone, you get referral commissions that trickle in (in your sleep!) all the way down the tree.  

It’s called residual income and it all occurs through the power of word-of-mouth marketing which is THE MOST POWERFUL form of marketing there is. When one mama tells another mama (or one trusted PT tells their client) how brilliant some product is, then we listen up! We create a ripple effect through the power of our network that knows no bounds, effecting radical change in the world.  

I didn’t want another income stream, but the universe had something else in mind for me. I didn’t want another side hustle or business, but the universe kept steering me in that direction. I kept resisting it, kicking and screaming, and trying to ignore it, until the universe sat me down in a locked room on the other side of the world in a lecture theatre where I had no choice but to listen to the world’s leading expert on network marketing and finally…. the penny dropped and I thought “how elegantly simple. This is f’ing brilliant.” 

Wind the clock forward seven years and I now lead a team of hundreds of women globally who love sharing the products from their heart, from the comfort of their home, with their kids around them, and can make an income while making an impact. Some want to earn enough to cover the cost of their YL products, others want to meaningfully contribute to the household, others want out of the 9 to 5 grind to enjoy complete financial freedom, and others love the idea of creating a beautiful business just for them. 

After all, there is nothing more rewarding than empowering others to lead a less toxic, more nourishing life, while stepping into financial independence and abundance in the process.  

The YL biz opportunity is not for everyone but I do know that everyone loves these magic oils and more and more people globally are going low tox and turning to more natural forms of health care and need people to connect them. I thank my lucky stars that I (finally) said “hell to the yeahs” to the YL biz opportunity all those years so that I am in the position I can be in today to 100% financially support myself and my two cherubs. 

If you feel pulled, we have created a beautiful 10-day YL biz mentorship program for those who want to dip their toe in to see if this opportunity is for them without being fully committed. Join the Biz Mentorship on our Thrive Collective platform (you will find it in ‘groups’). You can start it any day you like, but before you sign yourself up, please talk to your wellness mentor (the person who reaches out to you to support you) or me about joining our 10-day biz mentorship. You can also watch this video where I talk openly and candidly about the YL biz opportunity. And most importantly, just be open to the possibility that something magical could be unfolding for you!  

Love Soulla xx 

PS: here’s what some of my low tox mamas in my tribe have to say about saying YES to the biz opportunity.  

PPS: got mould? Make sure you attend our next monthly oils group on June 2, 7:30pm via Zoom. Zoom details on the password protected Member Resources page of my website. Don’t have the password? Email me today! 

Want to hear about one of my superpowers?

Star Anise

Dear co-travellers in this journey of life,

When I first heard about the law of attraction many years ago, I started experimenting with the concept of asking for what I wanted, believing that I deserved it, then being open to receiving it (ask, believe, receive).

I wanted to live a full, rich and rewarding life but the trick is to be really specific. I was newly divorced, and I decided that I wanted to continue to be able to use best quality household products for myself and my two cherubs and I thought it would be really, really cool if I was somehow able to get them for FREE. In 2016, as serendipity has it, a little Starter Bundle landed in my lap that changed my life in all the ways.

When I say ‘all the ways’ I really mean ALL THE WAYS. It afforded me the ability to travel abroad all expense paid, to earn an income just by talking about what I loved without ’selling’, to co-create a community of people who I now call close friends and family, to become my family’s healer and to conveniently streamline the purchase of ALL our personal care products and cleaning products to just one place as a one-stop online shop. Initially, though, the loyalty program allowed me to earn massive loyalty points simply by ordering every month products that I wanted (from one place as a redirection of resources) that I could then redeem to get FREE PRODUCTS. Whoa!!!!  

The loyalty program is THE MOST generous loyalty program I have ever come across because it rewards you with MASSIVE (double digit!) rewards points every time you place a monthly order of products of your choice. The program is free to join, free to jump off, and you can jump off at any time. All you need to do is to place a minimum of 50PV of products of YOUR CHOICE every month (instead of placing big bulky orders every few months). The main benefit is that you accumulate the points then redeem them to get ANY of the YL products FOR FREE. Imagine getting rose oil for free, or Ningxia Red, or your make-up, or sunscreen, or the Thieves cleaning range or your favourite oils… all for free?!??!  

The second advantage of the monthly program is that is really encourages you to kick the chemicals in your home and swap things over to YL as a redirection of resources if you know you have to order something every month. My health coaching clients who join the loyalty program are the ones who are more successful at going low tox and kicking the chemicals because each month they make a CONCIOUS AND INTENTIONAL choice to make a healthy swap as something runs low. Otherwise its all too easy to keep purchasing that bottle of bleach or Rexona on the supermarket shelf. (PS. I am SO GLAD I no longer ever have to walk down THAT aisle of the supermarket again!). 

There’s lots of other advantages like discounted shipping and access to YL’s monthly free promos (this is how I double dip and get extra free products).

If you’re not on YL’s monthly essential rewards loyalty program I seriously invite you to reconsider. If you're on a tight budget, then the loyalty program is the most intelligent and economical way of ordering in order to avail yourself to so much free stuff.

If you join the program any time in May, I will gift you a free Stress Away Roll On ($49.75 wholesale price) or Breathe Again Roll On ($44.75 wholesale price) as my thank you for committing to tox-free living! 

I call YL’s Essential Rewards loyalty program one of my superpowers because it affords me an abundance of free products. Abundance is our birthright but you’ve got to believe that you deserve it, take steps to secure it (e.g. join the loyalty program today!), and be open to receiving the abundance when it comes it. 

To join the program follow the super simple steps in this video then email me to let me know so I can pop your Stress Away Roll On or Breathe Again Roll On  in the post. 

To redeem your rewards points follow the steps in this video.

Here’s how you change your orders every month to new products of your choice so that you don’t get a repeat of your last month order. 

All these videos are in the video gallery of the Member Resources page of my website which you can access at ANY time. The Member Resources page is password protected so if you don’t know the password please let me or your oily mentor know.  

Join the loyalty program and go wild enjoying FREE STUFF!!!! 

Love Soulla xx 

 PS. I had one member contact me this month saying “Damn I forgot to order Thieves oil as part of my monthly order! I’m worried it’s going to go out of stock again.” My answer, “Redeem your points to get it for free!”. She had completely forgotten to redeem any of her points! She got her Thieves oil and she didn’t even need to pay for it. Needless to say SHE WAS SO VERY HAPPY!!!!!! 

10 (sneaky) ways to get essential oils in resistant kids (big ones, too!)

Star Anise

A common complaint I hear from fellow mums (and one that I am personally experiencing in my home at the moment) is that kids (esp teens!) are not as embracing or enthusiastic of our beloved essential oils as we are and in fact might be completely resisting them. The job of a teen is to resist the parent (esp the mum) in order to individuate. Whether its nutrient-dense food, exercise, sunshine, oils, minimal screen time, drinking lots of filtered water or whatever we feel passionate about - it appears our teens can push back with a vengeance. We say something is black and they will insist its white. Because that’s their job – to push back. This can be incredibly frustrating for us well-meaning mums but I think back to when I was a teen and I did exactly the same thing! I resisted Greek orthodox religion, Greek culture, Greek food and being the “good Greek girl” that my mum (bless her cotton socks) felt so passionately about. It wasn’t until I became an adult and found who I truly was and wasn’t that I could embrace - and not push away - this aspect of myself and my culture.  

Now we all know the vast and profound benefits of the YL essential oils – physically, emotionally and spiritually. They are in a word game-changing and life saving. I do not know how I would have survived the tumultuous events of past three weeks of a personal tragedy in our family without them. So, just like everything that is nourishing and beneficial, naturally we want our kids to use and embrace the oils, too. As the saying goes “there’s an oil for that!”.  But what if when you suggest the oils they roll their eyes in the exact fashion of Princess Bitchface and Prince Boofhead (in the classic must-read books authored by Michael Carr-Gregg and Elly Robinson)? One thing I do know is that the more I push, the more resistance I get. So instead, I lead by example and trust that down the track when they feel pulled of their own volition they will gravitate to what they know is good for them.  

Here are some ways that my kids (esp my 16-year-old son) gets the benefit of the oils without directly applying them: 

1. Diffuse oils all through the house

I own nine diffusers and have a diffuser going in every room of my house 24/7. If you can diffuse oils in the kids’ bedrooms that is an extra bonus. Fortunately my kids allow me do that. Inhaling essential oils alone is of massive benefit for humans. Essential oils have been scientifically proven to: 

  1. increase concentration, mental clarity and memory recall 

  1. boost immunity  

  1. reduce stress hormones by reducing salivary cortisol levels and pulse rates 

In addition, from an energetic point of view, we know that the YL oils - because of the way that they are made and divinely intuited - carry a high vibrational frequency and hence raise our own vibrational frequency. The higher our frequency the healthier we are and the stronger we are emotionally, physically and spiritually. Even if your kids don’t like oils diffused while they are in their rooms, you may get away with diffusing in their rooms while they are at school and their room will carry that frequency.  

Also, if you apply oils topically on yourself (I feel like a drown myself in them every morning!) you become a walking diffuser and your kids get the benefit of it.  

2. Add to the laundry

Add a few drops of essential oils to the kids clothes and linen directly in the washing machine and/or in the dryer. Not only does this make your clothes smell insanely delicious, the aroma lingers and permeates into the kids when they wear the clothes or come into contact with the linen. Use any oils you like but I gravitate to Pine, Lavender, Purification, Thieves and Lemon. I keep a stash them near my Young Living laundry liquid. One mum has told me that this is how she uses us any oils that she is not particularly fond of that she won’t otherwise use.

3. Add 1-2 drops on their pillowcases or bedsheets

In this way they will be inhaling the oils all night. Obviously use oils that they wouldn’t find the smell offensive or that won't stain the bed sheets (for example, avoid blue tansy!).

4. Add 1-2 drops in their school shoes

The oils will then go up through their system.

5. Add one or two drop to the back of the collar of their school shirt

The oils will then go into the back of their neck. I remember the story of one lady whose husband detested the oils so she started putting a drop of YL Joy in his undies. A couple weeks later he fell in love with the oils and started using them. Sweet!

6. Add oils into food and drinks

My kids have got wise about this so I need to be super ninja-like in my approach. Copaiba has little taste and is high anti-inflammatory. You can add extra oils into their Ningxia Red (which already is infused with oils if they agree to drink it) or make an oil-infused mocktail (Ningxia, kombucha, sparkling mineral water, ice, lime oil and tangerine oil is my fav). Here are some ways I sneak them in: 

For more ideas, also check out the culinary oils section of the EO 101 Guide found in the Member Resources page of my website which you all have access. If you don’t have the password please ask your support person or email me.

7. Add into shampoo. conditioner and body washes

YL’s toxic-free range of personal-care products already come infused with essential oils but you can fortify them with extra oils. Eg Rosemary in shampoo, Lavender in body washes, Copaiba in conditioner. Teens might also be open to using the shower steamers or the bath bombs.

8. Add into baths

While the water is running I sometime manage to dump in some Epsom salts (great for detoxification and for muscles) and some essential oils. I can’t add too much as I’ll get found out (!!) but a couple drops of Franky, Lavender and Stress Away seems to do the trick. I also have the diffuser going in the bathroom, too, so one could be mistaken that the smell is coming from the diffuser ;-)

9. Add to carrier oil for massage

If you kids are open to massage either by yourself or a professional you could pop some essential oils (eg Lavender oil) into the carrier oil (e.g. olive oil or YL’s V6 massage oil). I sometimes give my daughter a hot neck compress by wetting a flannel into a bowl of water water and adding calming/relaxing oils into the bowl, wetting the flannel, wringing it out and apply into her tight neck and jaw.

10. Add to a foot bath

Essential Rewards just got even better!

Star Anise

Dear YL members,

Super exciting news from Young Living HQ today! A whole host of high-end products are now available to redeem with your ER credit points for FREE.
All Young Living products are now available to purchase with your points*, including Rose oil, the Aria diffuser, the Collection and Ningxia Red.
In addition to receiving massive credit points, monthly promos and discounted shipping, this is another reason to join the loyalty program. Any member of my community who not currently on the Essential Rewards program and chooses to opt in this month will receive one of these extra special gifts from me for choosing to live a low-tox lifestyle:

  • A box of Floral Waters

  • Thieves Dish Soap

  • Thieves Fruit and Veg Soak

  • Thieves Laundry Soap

Click here for a video explaining how to upgrade to the free loyalty program. Once you have joined, email me your name and address so I can post your special gift to you.
I am super excited to start saving up my points to spend on FREE Rose oils and boxes of Ningxia Red.
Love Soulla xx
* Excludes Starter Bundles and products with 0PV

Need COVID virus support? Here's my protocol!

Star Anise

How’s my community doing in these challenging times?  

My family and I have just recovered from COVID (or technically omicron) over the past two weeks. My teens were largely asymptomatic and my partner and I were struck with what I would call flu-like symptoms and headaches. The biggest mistake I made was to resume normal activities on day 3 when I started feeling better (thinking it was over) but it returned with a vengeance with debilitating migraines on day 7-9. If you are adrenally fatigued (like I was) any illness will hit you harder. My advice is to rest, rest, rest and wait until you are 100% fully recovered before resuming any normal activities.  

I have posted my covid protocol that can support your body on the Star Anise Essentials FB group (pinned as an announcement at the very top for easy reference). If you are not a member of that closed group, I encourage you request to join. All my active YL members have automatic access to that FB group. The protocol involves a combination of nutritional supplements, YL oils, YL supplements and a wholefoods diet. Spending time in the sun and surf also helped me. I applied the YL oils in all the ways – topically, diffuse, steam inhalation and ingest (up to 3-4 drops of each oil listed daily). I feel so incredibly blessed to have access to these powerful YL oils and products to support my body.  

If you’re not on FB, many people have joined FB solely to access the information in that closed page.  

Has your YL account expired? If you haven’t ordered in over 12 months your account has expired. This would be a great time to reactivate by placing a 50PV order. If you do reactivate please do let me know so I can send you a free oil as my gift to you. If you join the free monthly loyalty program (called Essential Rewards) I will send you 2 oils as my gift to you committing to look after your health in 2022 through consistent monthly orders of products of your choice. If you want to chat about the loyalty program or have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or your support person.   

I want to take this opportunity to remind you that the healthier you are the quicker you can recover and/or the less intense the symptoms are (all other things being equal). If nothing else, COVID is a ripe opportunity to prioritise our health (especially gut health which modulates our immune system!) and take care of ourselves through all of the foundations of health that I talk about in my Food as Medicine digital package.  

And remember, viruses are a fabulous opportunity to reboot our immune system, cleanse the toxicity out of our system and give our bodies a physical, emotion and spiritual upgrade or reset. I always feel a heightened sense of clarity and a renewed zest for life after a major viral exposure. Humans have lived with viruses since the beginning of time and we have more bacterial and viral microbes in the human body than human cells (eg. hair, muscle, bone cells). Viruses inform and educate our immune system in a positive way and make us all the more robust. So if and when you receive that positive test, think of it as just that – something positive! 

Sending you all so much love, light and strength 

Stay well and reach out if you need support.  

Love Soulla xx 

If you need extra support, our community naturopath Emily Rose Yates is doing one-on-one Zoom consults.  

My parting message for 2021 to my YL community

Becca Crawford

To say it’s been another intense year is a spectacular understatement. Thank goodness for this soul-nourishing community and the YL products to keep us emotionally, physically and spiritually strong, resilient and grounded. Honestly, I don’t know where I would be without this community. Every day I am just so grateful and humbled to be part of the broader YL community and to be part of this Star Anise Essentials community that we have co-created.

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Happy 2022!

Becca Crawford

After recovering from 10 days of Covid at the start of January (actually it’s a blessed relief to have lifelong immunity now!), it was so wonderful to bring our Sydney community together at the gorgeous New Years party at my home last Friday 28 Jan and be in the physical presence of each other - finally!

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Need COVID virus support? Here's my protocol!

Becca Crawford

My family and I have just recovered from COVID (or technically omicron) over the past two weeks. My teens were largely asymptomatic and my partner and I were struck with what I would call flu-like symptoms and headaches. The biggest mistake I made was to resume normal activities on day 3 when I started feeling better (thinking it was over) but it returned with a vengeance with debilitating migraines on day 7-9. If you are adrenally fatigued (like I was) any illness will hit you harder. My advice is to rest, rest, rest and wait until you are 100% fully recovered before resuming any normal activities.

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