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Soulla x 


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Past YL Newsletters

What’s in your monthly box?

Star Anise

Dear YL community

Every month I run a little “unboxing” competition on our closed Star Anise Essentials FB page.

All you need to do is video yourself doing an unboxing of your monthly YL order explaining what you bought and why and post the video on the closed FB page to go into the draw to win a mystery YL product from me.

These videos have become a really fun way for our community to connect and see what we are all buying every month and why. This way we can continue to inspire each other in our low tox and wellness journey. I learn something from everyone every single month.

Not yet a member of our closed Star Anise Essentials FB page? OMG, you're missing out on some incredibly juicy information! Request to join and answer the membership questions and I will approve your request. Once accepted please have a read of all the juicy posts pinned to the top of the FB page.

Love Soulla xx

Did You Miss Our Men’s Essentials Workshop Last Weekend? Here’s The Recording!

Star Anise

Dear YL family,
If you missed our Men’s Essentials workshop last weekend, I've uploaded the recording and the slide pack into a new “Mens Wellness” section of the Essential Oils 101 Guide found in the  Member Resources page of my website.
The workshop was SO WELL RECEIVED which goes to show that more and more men are so desperately wanting to step into a more healthy, conscious and intentional version of themselves but also to find a like minded tribe.

The Member Resources page is password protected - if you don’t know the password contact your wellness mentor or email me ASAP.
Love Soulla xx
PS please diarise/note:

  • WE are skipping April, first Thursday of the month, monthly oils group because of the Easter long weekend.

  • My next introductory “Life with Oils and Toxic Free Living” workshop is Saturday 29th April 2-4:30pm. Book here. Its FREE for all YL members in my community. I would LOVE to see you all there by zoom or in person (at your choice). If you want to book non-member friends in please book them in via this link here as it’s $20 for non members (which they get back if they join our community).  

Are you after low tox cleaners, low tox hairdressers, or a low tox childcare centre in Sydney?

Star Anise

Dear community

One of the best things about being in a tight-knit like-minded community is that we have in our orbit some really cool people doing really cool stuff (without the harsh chemicals!!). I just love supporting businesses that share my passion for low-tox living and are conscious enough to use products that do not harm people and the planet. We need to be giving these businesses a round of applause and our support!!

Did you know that we have in our community in Sydney:

  • low tox hairdressers (one in San Souci and one in Bondi)

  • a low tox cleaner (serving north of the bridge)

  • a low tox child care centre (in Chifley)

...who all use YL products instead of hard chemicals? I think that’s pretty cool!!

To learn more about these businesses and avail yourself of their services, head to the Business Directory section of the Member Resources page of my website. There might be a business or a service provider that you might be needing and wouldn’t it be cool to support someone in our fold?

Artisan organic easter eggs & bunnies available at Broth Bar & Larder

Star Anise

We have been busy little bunnies indeed at Broth Bar & Larder making our beloved no-guilt nutritious and delicious easter chocolates that we offer every year. To create our Easter range, we take our original Sokolata recipe and tweak it to make it more kid-friendly for younger palates by increasing the raw cacao butter content and decreasing the raw cacao powder content. Because it is less bitter, we reduce the amount of maple syrup. Commercial manufacturers increase the amount of sweetener for kids’ chocolates but we do the exact opposite as we know how unnecessary and damaging an excess of sweeteners are, especially for young growing bodies. The result is a silky smooth melt-in-your-mouth buttery sensation with a hint of raw dark chocolate.

As usual, we have 2 fabulous offerings this easter:

These little fellows are made of our artisan organic solid raw dark chocolate and retail for $24.50 and weigh approx. 150g. These will get your bunny tails shaking!

These delightful little half eggs are the perfect mouth-sized treat. Each egg is decorated with either a goji berry, an activated almond or activated cinnamon buckwheat. You can pop them into some hard plastic egg-shaped containers for those treasured Easter egg hunts. These retail for $17.95/100g bag and each bag has a mixture of the 3 flavours.

How to purchase:

Our Easter chocolates are in store now! There are 2 ways to purchase:
1. Pop into Broth Bar & Larder.

2. Via the online store. You can purchase the Organic Yummy Bunny here. And the Organic Mini Easter Eggs here. 

All our chocolates are made in small batches, by hand, on site at Broth Bar & Larder in Bronte. These contain no preservatives so will need refrigeration. Available now until stocks last!

We are OPEN over the Easter Public holiday long weekend 7-10 April and trading hours are 8am - 4pm daily over these 4 days. I will be on customer service so please come and say hi and give me a hug!!!

Wishing you all a delicious Easter!!

Love Soulla xx

YL Cleaning Products - Dilution Chart

Star Anise

Dear YL community

We put together this graphic to show you at a glance how you can dilute the ultra-concentrated YL cleaning products to really stretch the cost out! Look at the cost in the last column!! 

Hopefully, you'll see that when diluted the cost is on par with or cheaper than the toxic products that line supermarket shelves that are poisoning people and the planet. By choosing YL products you have peace of mind that you are choosing cost-effective, super powerful, toxic-free products made by an ethical company that is a steward of the planet.

Love Soulla xx

Two very hot tips to give you maximum flexibility and monetary reward!!!

Star Anise

Dear community,

Watch this 4-minute video that I recently posted on our closed Star Anise Essentials FB page where I explain:
1. How you can give yourself maximum flexibility in regards to WHEN you can place your monthly loyalty orders; and
2. How you can get almost $100 cash back if you want another starter kit or wish to buy YL products for someone else.

The videos that I refer to in the 4-minute video above are set out in the video gallery of the password-protected Member Resources page:

I am often recommending to members that they change their monthly order processing date to a later date in the month and that they change their monthly order processing date to manually process earlier when they are actually ready to place their order. These 2 things provide you with MAXIMUM FLEXIBILITY IN ORDERING WHEN YOU WANT!!!!!! Feel free to take advantage of them so that you don’t feel boxed in!

Don’t know the password to our phenomenal Member Resources page? Email me today!

We share SO MUCH JUICY GOODNESS in our closed Star Anise Essentials FB page that I highly recommend you request to become a member of that group to not miss out!
(And don’t worry, most of the people in that group are NOT on FB except to reap the benefits of that FB page – it’s worth joining FB JUST FOR THAT!). Request to join here and answer the membership questions.

Love Soulla  xx

What's the deal with MLMs anyway?

Star Anise


I have had a few questions lately about what exactly is network marketing aka MLM (multilevel marketing).
Gary Young decided to structure Young Living as a network marketing company a few years after he created it to catapult his important message of health and wellness powered by Mother Nature out to the world.

More and more companies (especially those in the health and wellness space)are increasingly structuring themselves as network marketing companies.
Why? Because word of mouth is hands down the most powerful form of marketing.

Instead of paying a salary or commissions to a sales team to market the products, a network marketing company pays commissions to those people (eg ordinary mums like me) who genuinely use and love the products, talk about them with their network of friends and ultimately share them with others. 

It's rewarding to pay the very people who use and love the products rather than someone who is not genuinely invested in it. Word of mouth can create a powerful ripple effect and spread like wildfire across the globe when people feel passionate about something- whether it’s a documentary (e.g. That Sugar Film, The Magic Pill), a political stance, a new piece of technology (e.g.Thermomix) or a lifestyle choice (low tox movement, paleo movement etc).

The growth of MLMs exploded when billionaire Warren Buffet said in an interview that in hindsight he wished he structured his businesses as MLMs because of their effectiveness.

Millennials love MLMs and appreciate how powerful this form of marketing is.
Gen Xers (like me) can be a little sceptical because we grew up scarred by Amway or had some not-so-pleasant experience with a network marketer (have you ever been invited to have coffee with someone and it turns out that they want to sell you something instead?
(Happened to me and it felt so icky!).

There's nothing wrong or unethical or illegal about networking as a model – the problem often lies with the way it's been executed by network marketers who use dodgy tactics through lack of transparency when the underlying product has no fundamentals. In this community I set a culture of transparency in all that we do whether it’s a social media post or an advertisement for a workshop or gathering. Coupled with YL products that are hands down “best in class” we feel proud to be promoting products made by an ethical company that is a steward of the planet and sets the standard for the industry with 3 decades of industry leadership.

If you speak and share from a place of authenticity and transparency and genuinely want to help others onto a more nourishing, less toxic path, with products that you believe in and stand by, it only adds to your credibility.

There is nothing more rewarding than sharing products you love in a beautifully authentic way and being able to make an impact while making an income. Isn’t that everyone’s dream job?

The YL biz opportunity has plugged a big gap for many people who have a burning desire to work in the health and wellness space without having to go back to do further study and be able to do it from their home (or anywhere in the world), with their kids around them, and do it at their own pace, on their own terms by being their own boss.
All this by promoting products that make a positive impact on people and planet. It actually doesn’t feel like work when you’re living a life of purpose. It just feels like you’re talking about something that’s made a positive impact on your life and people pick up on your passion and want to experience some of that magic too because they value YOU!
It's like when your friend raves about a movie or a restaurant...if you value their opinion, you go check it out, right?!

But what will my friends think?”. I hear this self-limiting, fear-driven belief sometimes. Honestly, the people whose opinions really matter (the ones you genuinely want to be friends with) would be supportive and in awe of your side hustle or business empire that makes a positive difference in people’s lives. Creating a business from scratch that lights you up is something to be truly admired and respected. You can live your life according to the dictates and opinions of others, but true joy and happiness come when you are true to yourself.

“It feels a little scary sharing the products!” Anything new or different does feel scary at first. But it's only when you step outside your comfort zone that the growth and magic really happens. Eventually, it becomes second nature.... And you love your little side hustle so much you think “why didn’t I start this earlier?”

I personally am so glad I said yes to the biz opportunity 7 years ago. I’ve helped over 2000 families kick the toxic chemicals in their lives and helped financially free dozens of women from jobs that didn't align with them. I also have had the privilege of visiting YL farms around the world that as a single mum I wouldn’t have been able to afford, and now have an income stream that blesses my household as the solo parent of my children. Having multiple income streams is smart (especially for women) because you just never know what the future holds (whether it's the death or divorce of your spouse, you really want to be able to hold your own).

If you want to explore the YL biz opportunity without fully committing to see if it is for you, I invite you to do our 10 day business mentorship or any of the steps set out in the Biz opportunity section of the password protected Member Resources page of my website.

Don’t know the password? Simply email me

Feel free to reach out to me or your wellness mentor to learn more or have an honest chat.

Love Soulla xx

The 4 golden rules to the most economical way of ordering

Star Anise

Watch this little video to learn how easy it is to jump on the world’s most generous loyalty program. Let me know if you do join and I will send you a YL product as my gift to you. You’re buying personal care products, sunscreen, insect repellent, cleaning products and supplements from somewhere, right, so simply streamline it all to YL as a redirection of resources for ease, convenience and simplicity…. and peace of mind knowing that the products you’re bringing into your house are not toxic and made by an ethical company. Where you invest your money speaks volumes about the type of companies you want to be stewards of the planet. 

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Why Farm Ownership Is So Important

Star Anise

Did you know Young Living is the ONLY essential oils company in the world that owns its own farms or has exclusive rights to the plants of partner farms? This is important because ownership or exclusive control provides assurance over all aspects of the quality and integrity of the plants and the processes employed.

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Mama Magic Workshop Recording

Star Anise

I would have given anything to have had this information as a young mum!! There are options other than Panadol, Codral cold & flu tablets, Panadol, Phenergan, Rid, Aeroguard, Difflam and Bonjela - all of which have side effects. It was an honour and delight to co-present with other low tox mamas in my community – Camille Gunduz, Anneka Rees, Tanya Adamson and Cressida Pollack. The recording has now been uploaded to the Member Resources page of my website.

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Don't Kid Yourself - Household Basics Via Loyalty Program

Star Anise

In addition to making the largest range of the highest quality medicinal grade essential oils on the planet, YL also make a comprehensive range of personal care products, household cleaning products and TGA approved supplements. Don’t kid yourself, you’re buying this stuff from somewhere anyway!!! Streamlining it all to one place makes life easy, cost effective and you’ll know the products you’re bringing into your home are not toxic.

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8 Facts About EO's

Star Anise

These 8 facts about essential oils blew my mind!! It wasn’t until I was introduced to YL by my dear friend Lisa in 2016 when I had a severe mould illness that I really dived deep into the science behind essential oils.

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Income Jan 2023

Star Anise

Do you want to radically uplevel your income and impact in 2023? One life-changing aspect of YL (that I had no idea even existed when I started using YL products in 2016) is the ability to create an exciting side hustle by sharing the YL products with those around you. Not only can you make an impact at the grass roots level by profoundly changing the lives of others, but you can also make an income that can exceed your wildest dreams.

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