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Soulla x 


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Past YL Newsletters

I have a massive favour to ask….. (and you’ll get a free gift if you oblige!)

Star Anise

Hi lovelies,
I am only one person but together we are a force of nature. I have a massive favour to ask. To help spread this important low-tox message it would mean the world to me if you could connect just one person (e.g. a friend, relative, colleague, neighbour) to YL. (Of course, if you could connect more, then that would be AWESOME….but my only request is that everyone in our community reach out to ONE person.
It seems like such a small thing to do but the consequences of getting YL oils, personal care products or cleaning products into one home is honestly nothing short of profound. It could be the catalyst to steer the people who live in that home onto a less toxic, more nourishing path, reclaiming power from external providers. It would mean one more home in the world that is ditching the cancer-causing, hormone-disrupting, chemicals.

If this is your very first time connecting someone please let me know so that I can send you a little thank you gift! 

“How do I connect someone?” I hear you ask!
To connect someone with YL products, enrol them as a new brand partner on the YL website and pop in YOUR member number when it asks you for your friend’s enroller and sponsor so that they fall with our YL community and can get access to all our resources. If in doubt, simply follow these simple steps in the Member Resources page (or call your wellness mentor, or myself on 0407 871 884 or YL on 02 8604 5600 if you get stuck):

What information can I give to my friend about YL?
You could start by sending them this page of my website. Or send them this 3 minute A WAKE UP STORY video or this 4 minute UNSTINK YOUR LIFE video.
Once you connect them, simply follow the steps set out above in the Member Resources page of my website (i.e. send them a welcome email so that they get access to our password protected Member Resources page,  and make sure that they come to an onboarding orientation of our Member Resources and the YL website so that they are across everything).
What can they purchase?
Your friend could purchase any premium starter bundle (which is the best value as they are permanently discounted by 50-60% off) or they can curate their own bundle of products so long as it comes to 100PV or more for their first order to quality as a wholesale customer. Ask them to have a look at the essentials oils & low tox page of my website for all of the options.
What are the commissions?
YL has a super generous referral program - you receive a $97.50 thank-you commission for every person you connect who buys a premium starter bundle or $65 if they curate their own 100PV point bundle. This commission is paid to you by YL in the middle of the following month and appears as “Available Credits” in your dashboard which you can use towards your YL orders or have transferred into a bank account.
Does my friend need to join the loyalty program?
No, they don’t. Ideally, when connecting your friend you would encourage them to tick the box to join the free loyalty program so that they can accumulate massive loyalty points which they can redeem for free products of their choice.  The loyalty program really encourages people to go low tox as they can streamline ALL their personal care products, cleaning products, oils, and supplements to just one place as a redirection of resources.  The minimum monthly spend on the loyalty program is 50PV (and you can skip one month in any 12 month period). If in doubt they can always order a 2 pack of Ningxia Red a month – and if that is ALL they did for their health month after month, this alone is game-changing. 
Can I connect my partner, child or relative?
Yes, you can provided that they are over 18.
Thank you for being a part of creating a ripple effect. It all starts with one friend telling another friend of a better way.
Love Soulla xx

The 4 minute video that could change your life…

Star Anise

Happy Spring lovely!
This 4-minute video is a MUST WATCH. 4 minutes could change your life. It could radically alter your choices and your health forever. I know it did mine.

The science is out. Once you know you can’t unknow. We can no longer afford to bury our heads in the sand.

The hormone disrupting, cancer-causing, microbiome-disrupting, and neurotoxic effects JUST. AINT. WORTH. IT!!!!!

Once I learnt that the conventional personal care products and cleaning products that lined my bathroom, kitchen, and laundry shelves contained toxic ingredients that were harmful to me, my family (and the planet), trust me I went through all of the stages from disbelief (“if it's allowed to be sold then SURELY it must be safe?!??! Surely the governments of the world wouldn’t allow toxic products to be sold?!?!”), to justification (“Well everyone else is using it, spraying it, slathering it on and they are ok…. Or are they?!?... And besides I’m only using a teeny bit)” to anger (“Oh they really are toxic….and we are all really getting sick….and a teeny bit applied EVERY SINGLE DAY ACROSS HUNDREDS OF INGREDIENTS all adds up to a LOT of toxicity….. WTF?!?”), to radical responsibility (“time to pivot and make better choices because no one else is going to do this for me!”)
Where I got to is this: Knowledge is EMPOWERING. That power brings CHOICE. And choice brings an opportunity to radically alter your health, your family’s health, and the planet’s health.
As I am fond of saying this is not about deprivation it is about healthy swaps. And there is a healthy swap for EVERYTHING nowadays. From every item of food, personal care products, and cleaning products. Healthy swapping is not a burden. It’s our responsibility especially if you are the gatekeeper of your home. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP YOU and YOUR FAMILY SAFE FROM TOXIC PRODUCTS. Don’t feel guilty. We all once used toxic products and it's never too late to pivot. That is what my team and I are here for – to help you healthy swap in a positive and empowering way.

As explained at the end of the 4 minute video there ARE companies out there who genuinely care and make toxic free products that you can trust (not just greenwashed nonsense that appear to be clean through clever marketing but are full of toxic crap).

So what brand do I use?
The brand I have been using since 2016 which I wholeheartedly trust, recommend, and have done a THOROUGH due diligence on is Young Living.

What I love about YL is that:

  • They are a one stop online shop (this alone is game-changing making it super easy and convenient to go low tox); and

  • Their products are completely toxic free, super powerful and, because they are so concentrated, they are extremely cost effective when diluted (hello Thieves all-purpose cleaner for $1.70!).

The way it works is that you need an existing account holder like myself to connect you to set up a wholesale account for you. After that, you can log onto the YL website and buy what you want, when you want… and have complete peace of mind that you are creating a toxic free home sanctuary with the ease, simplicity, and convenience of an online one-stop shop.
Click here to get started and select a low tox starter bundle or products of choice to start with.
The ADDED BONUS in joining my low tox community is that in addition to accessing the highest quality low tox products on the market, is that you ALSO receive free automatic access to a wealth of online resources, personalised support from me, and another wellness mentor in our community plus our continuous educational webinars and events.

Love Soulla xxx

My friend wants YL products, whats next?

Star Anise

Would you like to offset the cost of your YL orders?

Dear Community,

It is so great to see so many people sharing the products with others. Yay!!!
I’m getting asked a lot of questions from members as to how they go about connecting their family and friends with their own YL accounts.

You can most certainly do it using YOUR MEMBER  NUMBER as your friend’s enroller and sponsor.

Log out of your YL account then click BECOME A BRAND PARTNER and just follow the prompts. Where it asks who is your enroller and sponsor just pop in YOUR member number so that they fall within our team and get access to all our epic resources and free support. This is important!!!

If they sign up this month with a premium starter kit or 100 points of products of choice they will receive a FREE DEWDROP DIFFUSER from YL with their first order valued at over $100! How generous!!! And YOU receive handsome commissions from YL ($97.50 if they buy a premium starter kit or $65 for customised orders). The premium starter kits are the best value as they are permanently discounted at 50%. 

Please send your friend a welcome email (the template is in the member resources page in the section called "MY FRIEND WANTS YL PRODUCTS, WHAT'S NEXT?!".
Have a good read of that section as this is exactly what people are asking me! We are one step ahead! Haha! The password to the member resources page of my website is set out in your welcome email. If you can’t find it please email me asap.  

For the purposes of the welcome email please personalise it and let your friends know that my next free Zoom onboarding orientation is Thursday 29 August 7.30 pm. It's super important that they attend to really get the most out of the products and the resources!

Try to join your friends on the monthly loyalty program so that they reap the benefits of HUGE loyalty points which can redeemed for free products and save money. We recommend a 2-pack of Ningxia red for month 2 as everyone benefits from drinking 60ml daily as the world's highest antioxidant food source.
Or if they also want to add the omegagize to that it's more economical to buy the EVERYDAY NUTRITION ESSENTIAL REWARDS BUNDLE which is 2 pack of Ningxia plus omegagize.

We can help with their monthly orders to show them the ropes and can support your members in swapping out their conventional personal care products and household cleaning products with YL versions one by one at their pace. It's super exciting for you to be doing this with your friends. I had a low-tox buddy when I started this journey 25 years ago (hello Connie Caputo) and it made the journey so much more enjoyable!

Each month simply swap out something you are running low on! Small changes, big impact!

If you get stuck in connecting someone just call your wellness mentor or me on 0407 871 884 and we would be all too happy to guide you.

Keep up the great work team in sharing the products with others and spreading this low-tox message. Make an impact, make an income! 

Love Soulla x 

Would you like to offset the cost of your YL orders?

Star Anise

Would you like to offset the cost of your YL orders?

Ever recommended a book, a movie, or a restaurant? Yes, we do it ALL. THE. TIME.

Wouldn't it be great if you got paid for it?

Young Living’s social sharing model REWARDS those who SHARE Young Living’s products with others!

You earn A$97.50 for EVERY person that you connect with a premium starter kit or A$65 if they buy a customised 100PV order.

You can also earn commissions when your friends and their friends continue buying from YL (this is called residual income… and money flows into your bank account forever whenever anyone in your downline buys YL products).

This means if you connect 3 friends in one month your starter kit is paid off.

This also means if you connect one friend a month your 50PV monthly order is paid off.

Voila! You get your orders for free!

Encourage your friends to connect their friends and watch your team explode and your commissions soar.

This is how we do.

Make an impact, make an income.

Whether you are 18 or 80, male or female, an entrepreneur or a mum passionate about low tox living…

Everyone can and is doing this.


That's ok. I have a solution for you.

This is not about selling or cold calling or hassling family and friends.

It’s about EDUCATING from a place of authenticity.

It’s about SHARING KNOWLEDGE about the toxins found in conventional personal care products and cleaning products and inspiring and empowering others to ditch and switch…. with one healthy swap at a time.

There are so many ways to share this knowledge that feels authentic to you:

  • Email them this Clean Living card if they are interested in creating a low-tox home with YL personal care products and cleaning products.

  • Email them this Vibrant Health card if they are interested in using YL oils as their medicine cabinet.

  • Send them the link to the essential oils and low-tox living page of my website that explains everything about joining our low-tox community and the most popular starter kits.

  • Send them this 18-minute video that explains how a Young Living wholesale account works, the various starter bundles, and the free monthly loyalty program.

  • Send them this 50-minute video if they want more information on low-tox living and oils as medicine.

  • Host a workshop at your place with your friends which I can run for you and RECEIVE A FREE BOTTLE OF NINGXIA AS A HOST GIFT. All you need to supply is a small space and some friends and we will take care of the rest.

  • Send your friends along (or come with them) to one of my upcoming live workshops that I run monthly.

If they buy a starter kit, you get the enrolment commission as YOU introduced them.
This information is all set out on the Member Resources page of my website along with all the steps on how to enrol them on the YL website if your friend says“hell to the yeah, let’s do it! I want these products!”.

Whether you share with 1 person or 50 people or 500 people, we have all of the tools and resources to support you…and who knows where this journey will take you? It could mean that you get your YL products paid for. It could literally take you around the globe on all expenses paid for trips with YL. It could mean retiring yourself and your husband with our proven formula.

Best of all it will mean creating a more meaningful life and helping people lead a less toxic, healthier, life.
If you connect a friend in the month of August 2024, they will receive a FREE DIFFUSER from YL with their first order (valued at over $100).

What a great month for them to start or deepen their low-tox journey!

Love Soulla xx

“It’s sharing NOT selling” Listen to this 2-minute heart share that stopped me in my tracks

Star Anise

Dear community,
In a recent Zoom meeting, Esther - one of my dear friends and YL biz leaders – nailed it when she relayed from the heart why she shares (not sells!) the YL products with others. Esther replays that when you fall in love with products, people, and the company you can't help but share your love and passion with others and genuinely want others to benefit also. "If you create the service and share the love, the money will come"... I love this expression so much. Lead with heart and allow the universe to take care of the rest.
Watch here
Esther succinctly summarised in 2 minutes what YL is all about and why she started sharing the products with others when she originally vowed that she would NEVER share the products. This is an all too familiar story. Most of the top earners in YL (myself included) once swore black and blue that we wanted “nothing to do with the business side of things”. However, a universal law is that when you benefit from something so much you can’t help but share that magic with others.
If you are fence-sitting about sharing YL products, or if things are tight financially and you want to have your products paid for or want a side income that provides more wiggle room, please reach out to me for an honest chat on how the YL biz would look like for you. There are so many different ways to share the products in a way that feels authentic and genuine for you. This is about making an impact while making an income that blesses you and your family. As Mary Young is fond of saying “Money in the hands of good people can do good things”.
Just as the YL products are for everyone, this biz opportunity is for everyone too no matter your age, your gender, whether you have an existing biz or not, or what stage of your life you are at. You just need a passion for helping people kick the harsh chemicals and be able to give them simple healthy swap options that profoundly benefit their lives.
Watch Here

Love Soulla x 

This 42 minute lecture was the Missing Link that changed my life

Star Anise

I highly recommend you listen to this 42 minute lecture called The Missing Link by Gary Young, the founder of Young Living. Listening to this lecture was instrumental in crystalising my decision to start using YL essential oils as my medicine cabinet and to enhance my health and wellness day to day. 

No matter how many times I listen to it, I always learn something new.
For future reference, you can find this recording in the Essential Oils 101 guide found on the password-protected Member Resources page of my website (P.S. If you don’t know the password to this page please email your wellness mentor/support person or email me to send it to you).
Love Soulla xx

"But what do I order every month???"

Star Anise

I call YL’s monthly loyalty program - Essential Rewards our superpower because it’s a way to get a LOT of your YL products for free. It is hands down the most generous loyalty program on the planet because the loyalty points are HUGE (10-25% of the value of your order – that is a HUGE amount you get back in loyalty points).
When I talk about the monthly loyalty program, some people ask me “But what do I order every month?” to which I reply “Anything you want! From Ningxia Red, to personal care products, to cleaning products, to supplements, to essential oils, to toiletry bags to diffusers.”
Some people like to go low tox one room at a time (eg medicine cabinet, then kitchen, then bathroom, then laundry, etc). Others simply order YL products as and when they are about to run out of their existing personal care products and cleaning products (which is how I did it and it took me a few years of consistent monthly ordering to have my whole house switched over to YL products which was game changing to *FINALLY* enjoy the ease, convenience, and simplicity of a one-stop shop).
Whichever way you do it, it is as simply brand swapping and redirecting your resources to an ethical, toxic-free brand.
Below is just a suggestion of what you might like to adopt *if* you are looking for an ordering schedule:


 Premium Starter Bundle (12 oils + diffuser)


 Ningxia Red 2 pack or 4 pack (best to buy a 2 pack every month as it is exactly enough for one adult to have 50ml every day for 30 days).


 Thieves household concentrate 1.8L
OR purchase the Healthy Homes Essential Rewards Bundle containing:
3 x 15 ml essential oils: (Orange, Purification®, Thieves®) 1 x Thieves® Dish Soap 355ml, 1 x Thieves® Household Cleaner 426 ml 1 x Thieves® Laundry Soap 946 ml 1 x Thieves® Spray 29.5 ml, 1 x Thieves® Waterless Hand Purifier 29.5 ml, 1 x Thieves® Wipes 30
OR purchase the Natures Home Essentials Bundle containing: 1 x Thieves® 5 ml
1 x Lemon 5ml
1 x Citrus Fresh 15ml
1 x Thieves® Dish Soap 355 ml
1 x Thieves® Laundry Soap 946ml
1 x Thieves® Household Cleaner 426 ml
1 x Thieves® Foaming Hand Soap 236 ml
1 x Thieves® Whitening Toothpaste 113.4g
1 x Thieves® Glass Measure Spray Bottle 480ml
1 x Thieves® Recipe Fridge Magnet 1 x Nature’s Home Essentials Bundle Booklet


 Laundry Soap, Dish Soap, Fruit & Veg soak  (if not purchased above)


 Personal care products
(shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, body wash, hand soap, mouthwash, dental floss etc)
Spread out over a few months


 Oils that you have run out of in the Premium Starter Bundle 

Purchase 15ml bottles for better value


Oils that lend themselves to be worn as perfumes (eg Stress Away, Frankincense, Lavender, Joy, Present Time, Jasmin, Envision, Ylang Ylang, Angelica, Neroli, White Angelica)
or Aftershaves (eg Shutran, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Frankincense, Valor, Mister)


 Oils as herbal teas and used in raw treats/desserts:
Eg Digize, Spearmint, Lime, Orange, Lemon, Citrus Fresh, Peppermint, Cardamom, Cinnamon Bark


 Staple supplements eg Inner Defence (antibiotics), Life 9 (probiotics)

The list above is only meant to be a source of inspiration and not to be followed slavishly.
Refer to the Young Living Product Guide or the YL website (hover over the word “products” at the top) for more ideas e.g., ER Bundles, diffusers for another room, toiletries bag, Thieves wipes, Seedlings range (for babies) and KidScent range (for kids) etc.

10 important tips on ordering

Star Anise

Dear YL community,

If you are on the YL’s monthly loyalty program (or thinking of joining!)  please read these important tips below to maximise your loyalty program superpowers:

1. Know when your monthly order processing date is: under the Essential Rewards program, you must place your monthly orders on or before your monthly order processing date (which is set out in your welcome email and your Virtual Office on the Monthly ER order tab on the left-hand side).

As everyone’s date will be different, I recommend placing a recurring calendar entry into your mobile phone a couple of days before your monthly order processing date and keeping a running list of products you want to purchase as you progress through the month.
If you do not place a new order each month on or before your monthly order processing date, you will receive your previous month's order and will be charged for that! If you don’t want a repeat of your last month’s order then you MUST update your card on or before your monthly order processing date. If you DO want a repeat of your last month's order then you don’t need to do anything for that month.

Note that we will put a different order in for you for month 2 so that your month 1 and 2 orders are different but you will need to update your cart in month 3 if you want a different order to month 2.
You can update your cart at any time BEFORE or ON your monthly order processing date but it won’t be processed until your monthly order processing date and hence it won’t be shipped to you until a couple of days AFTER that date.
Watch this short video to learn how to update your cart and place your monthly order.

2. Know that you have the flexibility to move your monthly order processing date to an earlier or later date in the month by changing the date BEFORE your order processes (watch this 1-minute video). Also, know that you can leave your date as is and manually process your order on any date of the month BEFORE your monthly order processing date (watch this 1-minute video).

Hot Tip: I changed my monthly order processing date to the very end of the month and then I manually process my order on any date of the month when I am ready to have my order shipped me to. This gives me the maximum flexibility as to when I can place my order month to month.

3. You accumulate massive reward points on each monthly order that are equal to 10% of the PV of your order for the first 3 months of ordering, 20% of the PV of your order in months 4 to 24, and then 25% of the PV of your orders after 2 years of monthly ordering. Eg if your order is 100PV in month 25 then you will accrue 25PV in that month alone.


4. Try to spread your orders out so that you are ordering at least 50PV per month (the minimum monthly spend on the monthly ER program). If you order 100PV or more per month consistently you will be gifted free gifts from YL at the 3, 6, 9, 12 month anniversary of your first order and every 12 months thereafter. However, there is no obligation to spend 100PV per month. You only need to spend 50PV per month under the monthly loyalty program.


5. If your order is just under 50PV by a few points, consider purchasing the lip balm or an orange, lemon, or lemongrass essential oil to get you across the line.


6. While the minimum monthly spend on the loyalty program is 50PV per month, YL offer monthly promotional free gifts that apply if CHOOSE to you spend a minimum of 145PV, 190PV, 250PV, or 320PV in any given month. These promotions entitle you to free gifts (promotions) for that month. YL changes the free gifts month to month. Watch out for these on the Young Living dashboard or in the Brand Partner News section of the Young Living website. If your order comes to slightly below these amounts, it is worthwhile increasing your order and adding in a lip balm or an orange, lemon or lemongrass oil etc to reach these tiers to avail yourself of free gifts (at the highest tier the free gifts are worth approx. $300 which is a HUGE amount of free products that you can use or gift!!!).


7. You can skip one month a year under the monthly program (eg if you are away on holiday).

To skip a month in your Virtual Office: My Monthly Order > Change Processing Date, then select a date the following month. Remember to ‘Save Changes’. You can also skip a month by contacting YL Member Services via live chat, email, or phone at 1300 28 9536.

You can also cancel your essential rewards monthly ordering (My Monthly Order > Change Processing Date, Cancel ER subscription) but make sure that you use up all of your accumulated points first so that they don’t go to waste!!! You can then order ad hoc from YL at wholesale prices but you will not accumulate any reward points on your purchases. If you decide to jump back on the monthly essential reward program you will start accruing reward points back at 10% of the value of your order for the first 3 months of orders and then go up to 20% in month 4 and 25% after 2 years of monthly ordering.

8. Use up your rewards points every 12 months as the points expire after 12 months of accumulating them! You can start to redeem your Rewards Points in month 4 of ordering. You can redeem your reward points monthly or less frequently (eg once or twice a year) but make sure you use them up within 12 months.


9. To redeem your reward points you must place a separate order to your monthly essential rewards order. i.e., you can’t use Reward Points to pay for your monthly essential rewards order. You must redeem your points as a separate order in any given month (at a time in the month) and if you have enough points you will ONLY be charged for the shipping (or you can use your commissions aka “available credits” to cover the shipping costs as per this video).


10. Note that for certain products (eg rose oil) the PV assigned to the product when purchasing the product under the monthly loyalty program may be different to the PV you need to accumulate when redeeming a product. For example: if you purchase rose oil as part of your monthly ER order it is 99.45PV (so you accumulate 10%, 20%, or 25% of 99.45PV depending on how long you have been ordering). However, if you were to use your accumulated points to redeem rose oil to get it for free you will need to accumulate 424.35PV. You can find the PV assigned to a product versus the ER redemption in the YL price list.

Learn more about the monthly loyalty program here.
If you are a wholesale customer not on the Essential Rewards program and find yourself ordering 50/100PV per month OR find yourself placing substantial/bulky orders every few months, I encourage you to consider joining the free Essential Rewards program (watch this video to learn how) and spreading your orders out every month to 50PV to accumulate massive credit points that you can redeem for free products of your choice. 

Love Soulla x 

Got a condition/aliment? Here's how to treat it holistically!

Star Anise

Dear YL community,

I am often asked “Soulla, I [or my kid/friend/loved one, etc] has [insertcondition]. Please help. What YL oils or products do I use to treat it naturally?”

Yes, western medicine is great for diagnostics!! But once you know what you're dealing with, the YL oils and supplements are our go-to holistic system of medicine in our own home...reclaiming power from external providers!!

“But which oils and supplements do I reach for?” I hear you ask.

Here is WHERE you can find all the info at your fingertips at any hour of the day or night.

1. The ailment section of the EO101 guide in the password-protected Member Resources page of my website. The ailment section isn’t intended to be comprehensive – it simply lists the most common ailments and conditions. We even have an ailment section in there for babies, kids, and teens. Search “Ailment” or see the hyperlinked index page once in the EO101 guide. (If you don’t know the password to the Member Resources page please contact your wellness mentor or email me ASAP because you’re missing out on some seriously phenomenal FREE resources).

If the answer isn’t there, then head to ….

2. The Reference Guide by Life Science Publishing found in the “Additional Educational Resources” section of the password-protected Member Resources page of my website.We call this “the bible of essential oils” as is intended to be comprehensive. It pretty much lists EVERY SINGLE ailment or condition and a protocol of YL oils and YL supplements on how to treat it and support the body.

THIS IS GOLD! If I had such a resource as a young mama bear it would have been a COMPLETE GAME CHANGER for me as I would have felt truly EMPOWERED as my family’s healer. If you are blessed to have the HARD COPY spiral bound DESK reference guide of this publication, please treasure it as it is no longer being published in hard cover and it is worth hundreds of dollars.

If you don’t have the hard copy, you can search the PDF version of the 6th edition of it in the “Additional Educational Resources” section of the password protected Member Resources page of my website.
(Yes we managed to stumble across a PDF version of the entire desk reference guide – don’t ask me how but we have it!!!). For example, search “cancer” and everywhere that word appears it will come up in your search.
Alternatively, you can purchase the Amazon Kindle 8th edition POCKET reference guide of the same resource for $30.60 so that you can have it on your mobile phone or kindle when you are out and about.

You can find the Reference Guide by Life Science Publishing (either the PDF of the 8th edition of the desk reference guide or the Amazon Kindle 8th edition POCKET reference guide) in the “Additional Educational Resources” section of the password protected Member Resources page of my website.

If the answer STILL isn’t there, then head to ….

 3. The closed Star Anise Essentials FB page. Use the search button to look up your condition!! If the answer still isn’t there then ask away by posting a question in the chat. Our community of holistic peeps will be eager to answer and help you.

These top 3 resources will empower you to become your family's healer in your home! 
If the condition does not pass within a few days or if it is severe or if your intuition is telling you to seek professional help, please do seek professional help ASAP from your holistic practitioner. My top holistic practitioners of choice (who are also well versed in the YL oils and products) are:

  • Maria Arora (Trained Doctor, Naturopath, and Homeopath).

  • Emily Rose Yates - Naturopath

  • Amy Makejev - Naturopath

These 3 incredible beings are all listed in the Biz Directory section of the password protected Member Resources page of my website. Otherwise, there is Dr Kate Norris on Bondi Road,  Dr Jenny Bromberger, or any of the doctors at Genbiome Clinic in Edgecliff.
Love Soulla

Winter Wellness... what to reach for from your YL wellness cabinet

Star Anise

Winter is officially here in the southern hemisphere.

Colds and flu abound as is a nasty strain of pneumonia. I succumbed and it wasn’t fun. It’s now time to dust off the Winter Wellness section of the EO101 Guide (found in the password-protected Member Resources page of my website).

If you don’t know the password please email me or your support person ASAP as you are missing out on one of the reasons why people join the Star Anise Essentials YL community.

Here are some juicy parts from that section:

  • Plants contain protective compounds that protect against illness and disease.

  • Mankind has used plant botanicals as medicine for millennia before the advent of pharmaceuticals (plants are nature’s pharmacy).

  • Essential oils are potentised/concentrated plant compounds.

  • YL essential oils are incredibly detoxifying. To various degrees, they all have antimicrobial(e.g.,anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral) properties. This means they kill bad bugs (pathogens and viruses) within our bodies. Viruses, bacteria and pathogens cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment. Pure essential oils are highly oxygenating. In fact, pure essential oils are scientifically documented to carry the highest level of oxygenating molecules of any substance known to man! YL essential oils are also, to various degrees, anti-inflammatory. Given that inflammation is the root cause of all modern illnesses and diseases, YL essential oils are a potent antidote to the inflammation in our system which is caused from toxic overload and/or sub-optimal nourishment.

  • While essential oils are not technically nutrient-dense, they facilitate the nourishment of the body because they clean the receptor sites of our cells so that our cells can readily uptake nutrients (vitamins and minerals) from foods, supplements and the sun. E.g. lemon oil cleans the vitamin D receptor site, allowing the body to absorb vitamin D from sunshine.

  • Pure essential oils vs pharmaceuticals: no side effects > work with, not against the body to build and strengthen it > thwart unfriendly bacteria without affecting friendly bacteria.

  • Pure essential oils vs herbal tinctures: more potent/concentrated > faster acting so treatment time is faster > not diluted in alcohol > no expiry dates > more pure > more convenient to self-dispense at home > easier to apply on kids than to swallow tincture. Listen to this 1 hour presentation by trained doctor, naturopath and homeopath Maria Arora to learn about this topic.

  • Pure essential oils vs other oil brands: > seed to seal policy means YL oils are more potent/concentrated > more pure > more testing > harvested at peak harvest time > therapeutic traction > not fractionated.

  • Health (measured in MHz) is influenced by increasing nourishment and decreasing toxicity. Healthy body = 62-68 MHz. If the vibrational frequency drops to 58 MHz = cold, at 57 MHz = flu, at 45 MHz = cancer. Young Living EOs raise vibrational frequency, and hence overall health.

Specific Young Living products:

1. Essential oils (oils from Premium Starter Bundle are in italics)

Methods of application

a) Inhalation:

  • diffusing necklace

  • steam (bowl or bath)

  • diffuse (kills airborne viruses and pathogens)

  • on pillow/clothes

  • palm of hands

  • straight from the bottle

b) Topical:

  • netipot 

  • bath

  • dilute for kids (1:30 ratio of oils to carrier oil as per Gentle Baby by Debra Raybern)

  • neat for adults (except hot oils - dilute in a carrier oil)

  • neat on soles of feet

c) Ingestion (food-grade oils):

  • in capsule

  • under tongue

  • food

  • gargling (eg Thieves mouthwash)

  • hot water or other hot drink e.g., broth

  • cold water/drink e.g., smoothie (only use glass!)

  • Some essential oils are more antibacterial (e.g., myrrh, lemon). At the same time, some are more antiviral (e.g., Eucalyptus Blue, Melissa). At the same time, some are more anti-inflammatory (e.g. frankincense, copaiba, myrrh). In contrast, others are more anti-fungal (e.g. Tea tree, Thieves, peppermint), and others are more analgesic (pain killer) (e.g. myrrh, Pan Away).  

Specific conditions:

  • Fever – Peppermint, Eucalyptus Blue, ImmuPower

  • Respiratory/Sinus/Congestion – R.C., Raven, Ravintsara, Eucalyptus Blue

  • Depression – Lemon, Frankincense, Rosemary

  • Chapped skin – Myrrh, Lemon, Peppermint

  • Colds – Thieves, Oregano, Mountain Savoury, Raven, Ravintsara

  • Flu – ImmuPower, Mountain Savoury, Oregano, Ravintsara

  • Sore Throat – Lemon, ImmuPower, Oregano

  • Cough – R.C., Myrrh, Frankincense, Lemon, Raven, Ravintsara

  • Immune stimulant – ImmuPower, Thieves

  • Infections – Thieves, Melrose, Ravintsara

  • Stomach ache – Digize, Peppermint, Frankincense

  • Bronchitis/ bacterial pneumonia – Frankincense, Raven, Melrose, R.C., Thieves, Ravintsara

  • Airborne viruses/bacteria –Thieves, ImmuPower, Melrose, R.C., Ravintsara

2. Thieves room spray

  • externally (spray on throat, in rooms, or areas that are naturally highly contaminated with pathogens e.g., planes, airports, and public toilets)

  • internally in mouth

3. Inner Defence (natural antibiotics) 

4. Young Living supplements (Ningxia Red, Mineral Essence, Green Omega 3, Super Vitamin D)

5. Thieves mouthwash (rinse mouth, gargle)

6. Thieves household cleaner (creates an environment where pathogens can’t thrive without compromising beneficial bacterial) 

7. Thieves hand purifier

Build strong immunity and resilience by dialling in all 8 foundations of health/lifestyle choices:

  • Nutrient-dense traditional wholefoods diet

  • Good hydration (filtered water, bone broth etc)

  • Conscious Movement

  • Plenty of sleep and rest (esp. in winter)

  • Breathe in clean fresh air

  • Positive mindset and manage stress 

  • Fun, play and connection with supportive like-minded people

  • Nature immersion and creating a toxic-free home environment 

Young Living essential oils can turbo-charge/enhance each of these 8 foundations to take them to the next level for you and your family.

Here’s to surviving and thriving this winter with our super-powered oils and YL products.  

Love Soulla xx

How to find out when out-of-stock YL products are back in stock

Star Anise

Dear low toxers, 

It’s so freakin’ frustrating when our fav YL products (like the sunscreen!) are out of stock (OOS). I get it. Because YL will never ever compromise their values and substitute cheap quality or poorly sourced ingredients (like most companies do which are all about profits), it means that when one teeny ingredient is not available the whole production line is put on hold. I follow the same philosophy with my Star Anise Organic Wholefoods business so I do understand and admire YL’s philosophy even though it is mighty inconvenient for us.

But did you know that on the YL website in BRAND PARTNER NEWS, there is a whole section called STOCK REPORT which lists all of the products that are OOS, the reason for being OOS, the projected availability date, and alternative product suggestions? How cool is that?! I don’t know of any other company that does that?!

I get a lot of questions asking me when a given product will be back in stock....but now you can find the answer yourself with a click of a button!

Love, Soulla x

"What caused this cancer?"

Star Anise

For those of you who follow me on social media, you might have seen that my 87-year-old dad who has been in otherwise robust health medication-free, was recently diagnosed with a rare form of very aggressive small cell cancer and given months to live. While we are all reeling from the shock with broken hearts and untold sadness, I overheard my dad ask the oncologist yesterday "What caused this cancer?". Her response was "environmental factors". 

It was heartening to hear the oncologist pointing to epigenetics as the cause of chronic illness and degenerative disease as opposed to “bad luck” or “genetics”.

Environmental factors that accumulate to cause illness and disease include:
😱 toxins in our food system (including pesticides, microplastics)
😱 toxins in the water system (fluoride, choline, heavy metals)
😱 sedentary lifestyle
😱 sleep deprivation (including blue lights at night)
😱 toxins in the air we breathe (artificial fragrances, chemtrails etc)
😱 stress, trauma, anger, resentment, shame and other negative emotions
😱 nature divorcement 
😱 toxins in conventional personal care and household cleaning products
😱 overuse of pharmaceuticals and antibiotics 
😱 EMFs esp men who carry mobile phones in their groin pockets 18 hours a day

Dad did many many things right. But he also lived a life punctuated with deep pockets of stress, was a painter for 40 years, and they loved their bleach, windex and domestos … to name a few obvious biggies. While we may never know the exact cause of his cancer, we know that there are many toxins outside of our control but equally there are many within our control. It is our responsibility to reduce these as best we can, as early as we can, to minimise the occurrence of illness and disease.

The obvious place to start is to reduce toxic exposure in our home by healthy swapping out all our conventional personal care products and household cleaning products and choice of medicines for low-tox versions.

Healthy swapping is easier than you think when you have:
a wellness buddy and supportive community which we provide
✅ a one-stop online low-tox shop
✅ all of the resources you need online in one place

If you are ready to start ditching and switching, I’d love you to join me Saturday 19 August 2 - 4.30pm for my next Life With Oils & Toxic Free Living workshop at my home in Waverley or via zoom.

My team and I will show you how you can healthily swap one product at a time in a positive and empowering way without the overwhelm.

You will then have peace of mind that you are radically reducing your and your family’s toxic exposure in the ONE AND ONLY ENVIRONMENT YOU CAN CONTROL - your HOME 🏡 

Interested in sharing the YL products to make an impact and an income? WATCH THIS.

Star Anise

Hello lovely community

More and more people in our beautiful community are approaching me every week interested in the YL business opportunity. In a nutshell, all it involves is sharing the YL products with others which helps them to reduce their toxic load and blesses you with a referral income from YL that can pay for your YL products and eventually can grow into a handsome income that can exceed your wildest dreams.

  • Maybe you want to earn an extra $500 a month that will make a massive difference to your family’s budget.

  • Maybe you want to earn enough to have your YL orders paid for.

  • Maybe you want some extra spending money to buy the things you love without having to justify it to anyone.

  • Maybe you want out of the corporate grind and work from home doing what you love.

As a single mama (and papa) what has become very apparent to me is the importance for all females to be financially independent and to be able to stand on their own 2 feet. Because you just never know what life will throw at you.

I am stressing to my daughter the importance of financial freedom and independence and never having to rely on someone else. I see too many women trapped in jobs or relationships that they don’t want to be in. I was once that woman and I felt suffocated by no end. It takes a lot of courage to step out of the status quo and paradigm shift into something better.

I love my YL business so much that it never feels like work. In fact, I feel so blessed to have the flexibility of working from home with my kids around me at my own pace, setting my own hours and on my own terms, and sharing products that I genuinely love and use every day which make a positive impact on people’s lives. When you make an income by making a positive impact, it feels very soul-aligned and it lights you up no end. 

If you are interested in dipping your toe in to see if the YL biz is for you, or if you are wanting to learn a bit more, watch this 47-minute webinar that I ran with a small group of our members last week.

If this is something you’d like to explore in more detail, contact your wellness mentor or email me and we can walk you through the Biz Opportunity section of the Member Resources page together. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Love Soulla xx

My recent Young Living Helichrysum farm experience

Star Anise

Dear YL community

I had the absolute pleasure of visiting YL’s helichrysum farm in Croatia last month for Silver’s Retreat with 6 of my YL business leaders – Cressida, Sylvia, Rachel, Sacha, Ruby and Helen – and the 2 incredible beings who connected me to YL 7 years ago –Julia and Lisa Matheson. It was a magical experience for the 9 of us to be together to witness a YL farm in such a stunning location in the world (and experience a brief slice of Adriatic summer amid Australian winter!). We were joined by 600 other Silvers from all around the world. (When you hit certain ranks, YL sends you on these epic all-expense paid trips around the world - all just by sharing the products that we love with others #pinchme. Email me to learn more about starting this journey with us or check out the Business Opportunity section of the Member Resources page of my website. It is easier than you think!).

Farm visits and travel are definitely two major highlights of my Young Living journey to date.

Farm visits demonstrate the full transparency that YL provides by not only allowing its members (people like you and me) to visit their farms but also to ask questions of the farmers, understand the provenance and the processes involved and expand our understanding of the natural world.

The oils and related products take on a whole new dimension once you understand their provenance and see first-hand the lengths that YL goes to in order to ensure the oil’s purity and potency and to deliver to us the highest quality therapeutic-grade oils in the world.

We also were taken to the distillery the next day to understand how the helichrysum oil is steam distilled from the plant.

The planting, harvesting, distillation, testing and bottling process are the 5 key steps in YL’s “seed to seal” policy. This gives YL full control over its processes which in turn provides us with a quality assurance that no other oils company can. Witnessing this all first-hand makes you fall deeper in love with YL, with the power of the oils, with our community and with the sisterhood that we have co-created. Young Living’s Seed to Seal promise essentially mirrors the field-to-fork or soil-to-plate wholefoods principles that I advocate – so YL’s philosophy really speaks to my soul.

Helichrysumgrows on very rocky ground. What the helichrysum plant lacks in physical beauty and smell it sure does make up in the power of the oil which packs a punch. Helichrysum is renowned for its anti-inflammatory effects. Remember that inflammation is the root cause of all modern diseases; the antidote to inflammation is powerful anti-inflammatory substances like helichrysum!!! Helichrysum is also an anti-viral, liver protectant and anti-oxidant that chelates chemicals and toxins from the body and regenerates nerves.

Dominik the farmer manager gave us a personalised tour of the farm. He exudes so much health and vitality. When Dom was relating (via a translator) his story to us what struck me was not only Dominik’s passion but also his reverence, appreciation, deep respect and gratitude for Gary Young in providing him with all the support needed to regenerate the farm to make it productive - and ultimately take helichrysum off the endangered list. All thanks to YL!!

Visiting the farms connects us with mother nature (which is becoming increasingly important in an increasingly virtual world). It expands our understanding of the natural world and lights up our ancient DNA because we are part of nature.

I would strongly encourage each of you to visit a YL farm one day not only as an exercise in provenance but because the farms are the engine room and the heart and soul of Young Living.

Other highlights of the trip were the visit to Krka waterfall park, the closing party (where we danced all night), swimming in the Adriatic sea and wandering aimlessly among the cobblestone lanes of old towns like Split and Sibernik (I swear I could do that every day for the rest of my life and never tire of it!).

Love Soulla xx

My 4 minute farm talk on the farm panel at GC convention

Star Anise

Dear YL community

I was honoured to be on the farm panel at the 2023 YL Elevate Convention on the Gold Coast. Here is my 4 minute farm talk on the importance of provenance and my experience of the Helichrysum farm in Split Croatia in 2019 where I will be returning next month with 6 of my Silver leaders!

You might also like to listen to my 1 minute speech for platinum recognition which sums up why I am so passionate about YL and so proud of this community that we have co-created.

Here is a little highlight reel of the recent GC convention. I was thrilled to have 25 members of our community there learning, experiencing, connecting and having so much fun! Next year I want to see EVERYONE there!!! 

Love, Soulla

Got a condition? Here’s where to find how to treat it holistically!

Star Anise

Dear YL community

I am often asked “Soulla, I [or my kid/friend/loved one etc] has XYZ condition. Please help.What oils or products do I use to treat it naturally?”

Yes, western medicine is great for diagnostics!! But once you know what you're dealing with, if you want to treat it holistically within your own home....

These are the 3 main resources:

1.The Essential Oils Pocket Reference 8th Edition by Life Science Publishing: we consider this the bible of essential oils as it lists every YL product with their therapeutic qualities plus every physical and emotional condition with a protocol of YL products to treat it. This is available on Amazon Kindle for $30.60 as the hard copy spiral bound version is no longer being published (if you have a hard copy and want to sell it please email me as there are numerous people who are wanting to purchase the hard copy).This is listed as the top resource in the Additional Educational Resources section of the password protected Member Resources page of my website. (Don’t know the password? Please email me ASAP).

2. The EO101 guide in the password protected Member Resources page of my website. This guide doesn’t / can’t list every single ailment but the more common ones are listed in the ailment guide part of this EO101 Guide. We even have an ailment guide for babies, kids and teens including Hand Foot Mouth disease which is doing the rounds ATM.

3.The closed Star Anise Essentials FB page. Use the search button to look up your condition!!

These top 3 resources will empower you to become your family's healer in your home!

If you don’t find the answer, please sing out to your wellness mentor, or to me, or feel free to pop the question in the closed Star Anise Essentials FB page.

If the condition does not pass within a few days or if it is severe or your intuition is telling you to seek professional help, please do seek professional help from your holistic practitioner. My top holistic practitioners of choice(who are also well versed in the YL oils and products)are:

1. Emily Rose Yates naturopath (she is the first practitioner listed in the biz directory of the password protected Member Resources page of my website).
2. Marieke Rodenstein holistic dietitian
3. Maria Arora trained doctor, naturopath and homeopath. Click here and request a saliva test otherwise there are no appointments.

Love Soulla

I just want to see what all the fuss is about without committing...

Star Anise

By now you might have seen some of us on social media sharing our love of the YL products. You might have seen us singing the praises of the convenience and power of using YL oils as our medicine cabinet instead of medications. You might have seen us bang on about the ease and simplicity of having a one-stop toxic-free online shop. You might have seen us enjoying the lifestyle that YL affords when you start sharing the products with others. You might have seen us working from home with our kids around us or travelling the world care of YL to places we otherwise would never have had the opportunity to visit. 

This is the stuff that (toxic-free) dreams are made of. So what’s the deal and how does it work?

By sharing (not selling!) products that you already use and love, you have the opportunity to earn super generous commissions from YL that can provide you with a residual income stream. This income stream grows handsomely with the number of people that you connect and whom they connect, and whom they connect, in turn creating a ripple effect around the globe. YL is essentially paying you to help humanity kick the toxic chemicals that are poisoning people and the planet. After all, it all starts with one friend telling another friend about a less toxic, more nourishing path. When you share authentically and genuinely – from the heart with a desire to help others reduce their toxic load, it feels like a very soul-aligned vocation.

There are essentially 2 ways of earning income from YL:

  • Firstly, you receive a very generous $97.50 sign-up bonus for every person you connect with YL who buys a premium starter bundle (provided you place a 50PV order in the same month that they buy the bundle).

  • Secondly you also receive a percentage of your new member’s ongoing orders (and anyone who they connect too!) provided that you also place a 100PV order in that same month.

These commissions are paid in the middle of the following month and appear as “Available Credits” in your dashboard which you can use towards your monthly orders or have transferred into a bank account. Imagine having your monthly orders paid for. Imagine having a little pocket money to buy whatever you like without having to justify it to anyone. Imagine contributing to the finances of the household in a significant way. 

This can turn into a super exciting side hustle very quickly! Whether you connect one person, 5 people, 50 people or 500 people, we have all the tools and resources on the Member Resources page to support you and the people you connect every step of the way.

I am a big fan of trying before buying. After all, we date a man before we marry them, we inspect a house before we buy it, and we test drive a car before we buy it. If you are interested in the YL business but not sure if it is for you, you can always dip your toe in by doing the first few of the steps set out in the YL Biz Opportunity and Mentorship Program section of the Member Resources page:

After doing the first few steps you will get an idea if this is for you. You’ll know if you feel excited about it and it kindles a little fire in your belly! The YL biz opportunity is not for everyone but it sure does tick a lot of boxes for me and an increasingly large amount of people in our community because it is a business that:

  • Is in the health and wellness space

  • Does not require further study

  • We can do it from home (or anywhere in the world) with our kids around us

  • We can do it at our pace (because we are our own bosses)

  • We can do it on our terms (because it is our own business)

  • We can take a pause from it if we need to (without applying for leave)

  • Lights us up that is just for us outside of being a mum or a partner(yes please!)

  • Makes us feel valued and supported

  • We don’t need to create any resources or tools (these are ALL provided). All you need to do is bring the existence of magic and convenience of these products to the attention of others

  • Women linking arms supporting and cheering on other women and not competing with each other

  • Provides overseas travel opportunities that will blow your mind

  • Provides you with an income stream that can cover the cost of your monthly orders, and your household income or can exceed your wildest dreams–however much energy you put into it is what you will get out of it. 

If you have any questions about how to get started, please email me or your wellness support mentor.

Love Soulla xx

My recent Young Living Bergamot farm experience

Star Anise

Dear YL community, 

A highlight of my Young Living journey is the opportunity to visit the farms where the YL oils originate. YL is the ONLY oils company in the world that plants, harvests, distils, tests and bottles the oils on its own farms or partner farms. This Seed to Seal policy means that YL has full control over its processes and can provide us with quality assurance that no other oil company can.

In addition, YL provides full transparency by allowing its members (people like you and me) to visit these farms, ask questions of the farmers, understand the provenance and the processes involved and expand our understanding of the natural world.

Visiting the farms connects us with mother nature (which is becoming increasingly important in an increasingly virtual world) and provides us with a far greater appreciation of the quality of the oils and the efforts that YL go to in order to ensure the oil’s purity and potency. Whether it’s visiting my egg farmer, my raw dairy farmer, or an oils farm, I can honestly say that farm visits light up my DNA. After all, once upon a time, we were all hunter-gatherers and then farmers where we communed intimately with the natural world. We have lost this connection in modern times. YL as a steward of the planet provides us with not only the gift of Mother Nature in the form of potent plant botanicals but the opportunity to witness firsthand the farms where the magic all begins.

The farms are located all around the globe (there are a few in Australia eg Sandalwood farm in WA, Blue Cypress farm in NT and Kunzea farm in Tassie).

I had the absolute pleasure of recently visiting YL’s ‘Bella Vista’ bergamot farm in Southern Italy with 2 of my YL business leaders – Camille Gunduz and Judy Rose. The smell and sight of bergamot (which is a citrus fruit) combined with the backdrop of the Mediterranean sea was stunning. The harvesting and extracting process were explained to us. With every farm visit (this is my 4th YL farm visit to date) I fall more and more in love with YL as a company – its ethics, and its heart and soul.

Click here to watch this 1-minute video on the Bergamot farm (it’s worth it for the music alone!).
Click here to watch a short video I took on the harvesting process.
Click here to watch a short video I took on the extraction process.
Click here to compare the difference in the colour of 2 bergamot oils.


Love Soulla

Not sure if you can afford to jump on or stay on the monthly ER loyalty program?

Star Anise

Dear YL members

I hear a lot of people say “Finances are really tight so I can’t afford to buy YL products every month even though I would love to”.

If you have this mindset let me reframe a couple of things for you so that you can afford to buy YL products of your choice monthly:

1. Are you using YL as your one-stop shop? If you use YL as your one-stop low tox shop, I guarantee that there'll always be some item of personal care product or household cleaning product or supplement or essential oil that you’re running low on and need to replenish. I stopped buying from a million different shops and websites a long time ago and saved myself time and numerous shipping fees. YL is so much more than an oil company. There is no doubt that the YL oils are the highest quality on the planet, but 90% of my orders actually comprise personal care products or household cleaning products (eg. Thieves cleaning concentrate, dish soap or laundry liquid) a supplement or Ningxia. A 2 pack of Ningxia will last one person exactly one month if drinking 50ml per day which is a must in order to detoxify the toxicity from our body. 50ml a day of Ningxia costs $3.33 which is less than a cup of coffee which most people will happily pay in a day without thinking twice.

2. Are you diluting the products? YL products are ultra-concentrated and can or need to be diluted. Use this dilution chart to dilute the cleaning products to really stretch the cost out to be on par with toxic supermarket crap. Follow the same logic to dilute the personal care products such as hand soap and body wash by a third so that the cost works out to be only a third of the wholesale price. I also dilute the conditioner (because it is so thick) by filling the empty space at the top of the bottle with water. For products that I don’t dilute (eg. shampoo, toothpaste, mouthwash, face cleaners/moisturisers) I only use the teeniest amount so that they last me ages.

3. Are you redeeming your accumulated loyalty points to get free products? By redeeming your loyalty points you receive free products which means saving money. Most people just buy a 2 pack of Ningxia every month (which is over the min 50 PV required for the minimum monthly ordering spend) and then accumulate their loyalty points for free personal care products, household cleaning products and supplements.

When viewed in this light, the monthly loyalty program is of tremendous value. Plus you can skip a month and manipulate your monthly ordering date for maximum flexibility. Plus you'll feel good knowing that you are supporting an ethical company whose products are safe and nourishing for people, the planet and pets.

Love Soulla

I am about to travel – what YL oils/products should I take with me?

Star Anise

Greetings YL community

I am super pumped to be going overseas next week to celebrate my 50th!

I thought my mum was ancient at that age and yet here I am still feeling like a kid at the starting blocks, rearing to go, with the best years ahead of me ;-)

I am turning my mind to packing and thinking about what YL oils and products to take.

I am frequently asked by people in my community what oils and products I recommend they pack when they travel.

I share my thoughts in this 5-minute video where I walk you through the Oils for Travel section of our EO101 guide found on the password-protected Member Resources page of my website.

Enjoy....and for those of you who are blessed enough to travel this year – whether within Australia or abroad - safe travels!!!

Love Soulla xx

PS: Don’t know the password to the Member Resources page of my website? Email me today!